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RSS BobbleofWant

Reward Points:24
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10 most recent arguments.
4 points

Are you aware that Fox "News" is also part of the media even though it's a GOP right wing propaganda machine?

You're darn spankin' right boyo. Re(tard)publicans always cry about the corrupt media while listening to the corrupt media.

You claim to hate Jews. The right loves Jews. Hating Jews is what left wingers do. Have you noticed that burrito?

Are you on some form of illegal narcotics?


Hillary Clinton's record of lying is demonstrably MUCH LESS than Donald Trump's, so obviously you are a hypocrite and we should simply ignore everything you say.

Dude, hold your horses. I never said she was more of a liar than Trump, I said she was the biggest establishment shill and the one that wallstreet and the deep stated wanted for president.

BobbleofWant(24) Clarified
2 points

It inherently makes them obsolete because they are unscientific. When you have a society based on social constructs rather than objective reality and reason you end up with people starving while the fields are still fertile and the machines in the factories are still operational all because the social construct economy is undergoing inflation (the great depression).

You're right, now that you mention it the monetary system itself creates a lot of problems that would probably look ridiculous to advanced aliens if they came here saw us dying because we can't sort out our conceptual BS. Meanwhile the resources are right there waiting XD. But without some idea of ownership what's to stop people from taking from others? How can we use science to come up with laws and ethics etc. ?

No. I'm a Resource Based Economy advocate

You mean like Zeitgeist? Cool, Zeitgeist was one of those things that changed my life when I was a teen and made me who I am today. It really opened my eyes to how corrupt the system is.

BobbleofWant(24) Clarified
2 points

I agree, but all useful tools have an expiry date, and capitalism had already passed the point where it was doing more good than harm by the mid 1980s.

Good point. Like I said I'm not a capitalist so I'm totally on board with you there, and now that you mention it you can't really expect us to rely on things we made up thousands of years ago forever. Especially when we become really technologically advanced and the whole way we look at the universe changes.

I don't understand why you think that is unrealistic. Current states are overthrown all the time.

Well, to overthrow capitalism through revolution you would have to set up a military regime. So basically the proletariate would have to entrust the regime to redistribute everything and de-stratify society which never seems to happen because they always just take power then decay into fascism.

The very state you live in overthrew the Native American state and redistributed everything.

But they redistributed everything into the hands of wealthy white men, it was pretty much the opposite of what a communist revolution is supposed to be.

BobbleofWant(24) Clarified
0 points

He didn't say

Hey, I'm a woman!

Clearly, the misunderstanding is your own. You grossly misrepresented the left and now you are crying black is white because you got called out on it.

Lol this guy is just a typical alt righter. I bet his answer to everything is "695 genders tho".

I never stated that "all people on the left are 'pure evil'". That is a gross misrepresentation & misunderstanding.

You said the left in general is totalitarian and just a bunch of SJWs basically. You're an alt right moron dude.

-1 points

The left wants to rule your life, at even a micro-managed level. They want to guilt, shame, coerce, manipulate, etc. into establishing control over people--ostensibly in the name of "compassion". Yeah--right.

LOL how are you any better than the "SJW" who calls everyone who is even moderately right wing a Nazi? When you get to that level of bias where you think the whole left is just pure evil there is no point even trying to reason with you.

If you go by the classical definition, then communism, socialism, fascism, monarchy and theocracy come under left, whereas liberalism, conservatism, libertarianism come under the right.

XD you're nuts. right wing= traditionalism and hierarchy so by definition anything progressive like liberalism that attempts to free people from oppressive traditions like slavery and the idea that you are better than me because you have a ding dong is left wing and anything that divides people into classes and groups is right wing such as fascism and, monarchy and theocracy.

Fascism, monarchy and theocracy are the opposite of communism and socialism because communism and socialism are egalitarian and democratic (collectivist) and fascism, monarchy, and theocracy are hierarchical (right wing).

The left, hands down. They are the ones who want to rule your life and have more say-so over what you do and use Big Gov't to do it for them.

Big government is a right wing thing because if you think about it 100% to the left means everyone is on equal standing socially and 100% to the right would mean total stratification and class hierarchy.

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Cara 
Gender: Dame
Age: 28
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Religion: Atheist
Education: In College

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