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RSS Booksforwho

Reward Points:1
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2 points

1.) there could be alternatives such as yoga.

2.) bullying

3.) changing in front of others

4.) instead if your worried about obesity eliminate junk food in schools.

5.) it's not enough to cure obesity in the short time you have

6.) school is for learning

7.) Parents responsibility to see the kids are physically active, not the school

8.) it should be optional

9.) up to the parents to decide

10.) only in elementary

11.) physical Activity is only half the battle, you need to eat healthy

12.) PE has been in school for decades and it hasn't changed/helped the obesity levels

13.) knowing what the volleyball positions are isn't going to be on any collage applications

14.) Keep the money for the hard working teacher who stay up every night to grade papers and actually help the kids not yell at them

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About Me

"I love Doctor who, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Divergent, Tfios and The Perks of Being a Wallflower."

Biographical Information
Name: Alex Viscoda
Gender: Girl
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States

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