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RSS Chasen

Reward Points:14
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

The speech itself was alright. I just didn't the democrats reaction to "Liar." Of course it was a republican yelling it, but he just did it to be humorous.

3 points

Science: monotheism is a dated kind of thinking. One cannot fully integrate something like this into their life because of the way society is setup now. During the time when Jerusalem was in full bloom, no one had technology or many forms of entertainment like we do today. Science explains that there are many concrete and logical reasons for things, which paints a clear picture of the world around them to those who prefer it. Although a modern religion is somewhat important, it is also equally important for people to realize that they cannot dominate their lives with such things. Many liberals and "new-age" people prefer to use the term agnostic to show their appreciation of God and the world around them. This kind of thinking is probably the closest we will come to full integration of Science and God today.

1 point

Both: It all starts with thought. The person responsible must imagine how he makes others feel on either a conscious or unconscious level, depending on the situation. Then comes the reaction. People react by believing that others are "responsible for their own feelings" and are not aware how they are responsible themselves, and vice-versa. It is tough to say that this argument is 100% one way or the other because not many things are. But i would have to say that it is almost an even split.

1 point

Reason: Bruno is way hotter. Plus the whole "i dont like to shave just cuz im middle eastern" thing doesnt work for me. screw that. Its too bad They both can be in a movie together as lovers. Fuck Tulz.

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Winning Position: 80s
Winning Position: Thought

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