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10 most recent arguments.
7 points

The creator of this debate is obviously a white supremacist that hates brown people.

0 points

They all vote together, so all from the same bee hive as far as I'm concerned. The Marxists are the most extreme, violent & terrorizing, so they might as well all be Marxists since that's the group running "liberal" parties & running the bee hive.

0 points

Head rolled in the sand

Rolled in the sand

Nom got his head rolled

Rolled in the sand

Head rolled in the sand

Rolled in the sand

Nom got his head rolled

Rolled in the sand

Head rolled in the sand

Rolled in the sand

Nom got his head rolled

Rolled in the sand

1 point

It's the narcissistic kid who everyone knows has way too high a self-image but since he's willing to harm himself and get expelled, no one really wants to tease him as he's a psycho and will fight to the death.

And we don't come up with little girl names like "mingiwuwu".

1 point

Insults are the liberal go to because they can't debate you on the issues or on common sense. They only have slogans, insults, and unchecked emotions.

1 point

You said America wasn't the best, biggest, richest, or most powerful though. So which is it?

1 point

You avoided the question cause you can't answer it. That's why Democrats are losing. You guys don't have answers only insults.

DMX2 Clarified
1 point

This is a false equivalency because the logical idiosyncrasies that pertain particularly to time do not pertain to other concepts, such as base 2 number systems, computer language, computers, or computer programmers.

You are assuming the construct of time isn't programmed. I am based on Super Symmetry in String Theory.

3 points

He's the best President the United States has had since Reagan. The rest were self righteous mongrels.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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