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RSS Demios11

Reward Points:2
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

Hello, my name is Demi Osinubi and I believe that the United States should not have more than two political parties. First I would like to assert my three main points.

1. Having just 2 political parties present readily and understandable political information in a convenient matter.

2. Two party systems provide a stable balance

3. Two party systems discourage sudden shifts in political trends which threaten government stability.

R: By doing so, two party systems provide order to the political world by representing the broad political logic of a party.

E: This helps voters understand the party’s views on certain issues.

R: Two party systems accommodate varied interests and opinions. Since each party consists of organized groups and individual voters, it is necessary to consider a broad range of interests when making political decisions.


E: In order to receive their continued support, it is best for each party to include its supporters' interests.

R: If voters disagree with candidates on one political issue, they typically understand that he or she represents the bigger issues of the party.\

E: As a result, voters are discouraged from giving up support for the party, and elected officials have more opportunities to focus on long-term public policies.

1 point

Well, the topic is the Paris Climate Accord is bad for the developing world. Therefore, your rebuttals do not make sense at all!

0 points

I agree with you Agni ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

1 point

Hello. My name is Demi Osinubi and I believe that the Paris Climate Accord is bad for the developing world. First I would like to assert my three main points.

1. The agreement is not legally binding.

2. Global warming and climate change is not the same thing.

3. If everything is fine, this agreement is pretty much wasting countries money.

R: If there is variable adoption and implementation, it will be ineffective in achieving its goals.

E: The BRIC nations are still developing and are understandably wary of sacrificing their own economic growth for the greater planetary good. that is why pledges initially made in this deal are not anywhere near enough to meet the 2 degree goal.

R: Climate change is the natural fluctuation of Earth’s weather. Global Warming is the warming of the Earth due to human action.

E: The Ice Age is evidence that climate change is different global Warming. Could the fumes coming from campfires cause going in to the Ice Age and Coming out? NO!

R: This agreement is asking countries to go green. That costs a lot of money. Since poor countries don’t want to get left behind, they spend a lot of money trying to go green.

E: According to NASA, there has been a pause in global warming for 17 years 9 months yet people are saying, “Be worried be very worried we have to stop global warming before the end of the world comes” from times magazine.

1 point

Hello. My name is Demi Osinubi and i believe that the United States should have more than two political parties. First i would like to assert my three main points.

1. Multi-party governments tend to permit wider and more diverse angles in government and encourage dominant parties to make deals with weaker parties to form winning combinations.

2.Voters are growing more disgusted with the two-party system.

3. Congress is dis-functional! The government is paralyzed.

R: Millions of people are out of work, and the national debt keeps increasing. The Republicans openly declare that nothing will be done in 2012 before the election.

E:One analyst suggested that parliamentary systems, which typically are multi-party in nature, lead to a

better "centralization of policy expertise" in government.

R:The dominance by two parties has been disastrous, regardless of where you fall on the ideological spectrum. ( Source:

E: A majority of U.S. adults, 58%, say a third U.S. political party is needed because the Republican and Democratic parties "do such a poor job" representing the American people. These views are little changed from last year's high. Since 2007, a majority has typically called for a third party.

Hello my name is Demi Osinubi and I believe that the proposition side has won this debate

1 point

Hello. My name is Demi Osinubi and I believe that reality TV shows do more harm than good. First I would like to assert my three main points.

1: Reality TV creates unhealthy stereotypes.

2: Reality TV leads to increased TV watching in both children and teenagers, which causes grades to drop.

3. Reality Tv shows portray reality in the wrong way.

R: Creators of reality Tv shows portray some racial groups in ways that are not true.

E: Black Men are usually portrayed as criminals. Midwest Americans are portrayed as Hillbillies

R: Excessive reality TV show watching deteriorates the brain.

E:The pair also compared the impact of reading to the watching of reality TV and found that an average student would have scored 14 out of 20 if they read regularly, but those addicted to reality TV shows would only score on average 8.4 out of 20.

R: Reality TV hurts the stars who are on it, their whole lives, and their reputations.

R: When a person becomes part of a reality tv show, they do not realize how their life will be affected. These shows will usually make them look mean and nasty. These people will end up doing stupid stuff and sometimes stereotyped.

E: Take, for example, Teresa Giudice, who in the show The Real Housewives of New Jersey, flipped a table at a couple of other women. Now, she is thought of as a person with anger problems and many people have sent her mean and nasty notes; some even asking her if she is going to an anger management class. The director of this show loved this, and instead of letting this go, decided to publicize this, making Teresa a very disliked person. This is all thanks to reality TV

1 point

Hello. My name is Demi Osinubi and I believe that homework should not be banned. First I would like to assert my three main points.

1. By doing homework, children will start to develop time management.

2. It improves children’s thinking and memory.

3. homework teaches kids to be responsible.

R: They will start to allocate their time for leisure pursuits and completing their homework. Through this, the students will be able to learn the value of self-discipline as they try to refrain themselves from playing until they have completed their assignments.

E: 60% percent of parents that have kids that get a lot of homework say that their child's time management skills have improved.

R: Kids have to remember what they learned in school to do their homework.

E: A survey from the Washington Post showed that most homework that is assigned in class is went over before going home so thwe kids can leave with an understanding of the topic.

R: If a child forgets a homework assignment, the teacher may make the person do it during gym or recess. This means that the child is less likley to forget homework because they don,'t want to miss their recess.

E: 70% of students that got homework grew up to be more responsinle and less forgetful.

Demios11(2) Clarified
1 point

Hello. My name is Demi Osinubi and I believe that homework should be banned. I would like to start by asserting three main points.

1. Homework is a waste of time.

2. Too much homework can negatively affect kids

3. Having a lot of homework cuts off family time.

R: Students sit in school all day and then come home to do even more work. By the time they are done, it is time for bed. They get no exercise which is not healthy.

E: Empirical studies have linked excessive homework to sleep disruption, indicating a negative relationship between the amount of homework, perceived stress and physical health.

R: But for elementary school students, even 30 minutes of homework a night, if combined with other sources of academic stress, can have a negative impact. Researchers in China have linked homework of two or more hours per night with sleep disruption.

E:Almost 10 percent of fourth graders worldwide reported spending multiple hours on homework each night. Globally, one in five fourth graders report 30 minutes or more of homework in math three to four times a week.

R:Little time is left for family activities and parents feel the stress of either helping children complete the work or policing them to make sure they do it on their own.

E: A 2002 survey reported that 64 percent of children between the ages of six and eight have homework on any given day—twice what the workload was in 1981.

1 point

Hello. My name is Demi Osinubi and I believe that homework should be banned. I would like to start by asserting three main points.

1. Homework is a waste of time.

2. Too much homework can negatively affect kids

3. Having a lot of homework cuts off family time.

R: Students sit in school all day and then come home to do even more work. By the time they are done, it is time for bed. They get no exercise which is not healthy.


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