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RSS Denis_didero

Reward Points:24
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10 most recent arguments.

Can you give me one of those flaws that you've mentioned? Please support the statements that you give instead of throwing things unto the pulpit. It should be a part of the school syllabus as it has been proven to be a fact. If you're going to equate different theories from the theory of evolution the evidences are substantial. It's not brainwashing, brainwashing is when you force children to learn about a few bible verses that were written thousands of years ago without any evidence. Whilst if you teach children the factual events that happened ago I suppose that it isn't called brainwashing. In countries such as Finland,Germany and France ( Considering other high-schools in America that freely teach evolution) the teacher must and will notify his/her students to think critically first. Perhaps you're too dimwitted to even realise that you're uncle was acting sarcastically. Your arguments don't make any sense!! They're advised by the teachers to bring-up opinions about the topic and search for flaws! The truth is the truth, par evolution with your fucking bible and see if it holds any water.

What you said did not make any sense as I can cite an example such as ISIS killing infidels as the existence of infidels is against their moral values.

It might be acceptable to break the law sometimes especially if you're under an oppressive government wherein it's required to have an uprising against the government by breaking laws. Again this is not hypothetical as it has been done all throughout different scenarios in the history of revolutions.

Denis_didero(24) Clarified
1 point

The fact that you conceded to have Darwinian evolution to be taught for intelligent designers while arguing against the motion just shows how much of a low-leveled IQ individual you are.

Denis_didero(24) Clarified
1 point

"No child is born with the theory of evolution already INSTALLED in their minds"

Are you sure about this Jeffrey? How is it possible then that more and more public schools in America try to ban the subject of Evolution from their repertoires?

"They are brainwashed to believe it especially the under the care of a grandpa magician/ atheist." Oh really, since when was the notion of "critical thinking" considered to be brainwashing? Atheists who despise the notion of creationism and only rely within the seeable physical world aren't magicians (au contraire)."(You are an icon to them but an idiot to me)" Look Jeffrey, if you argue intelligently you shouldn't be diverting the topic to yourself, someone else or an irrelevant topic such as the courtroom.

Kids who are educated at the first place to inquire the topics being thought to them and to search anything that might go against the topics have the might to scrutinise critically. It's the same with scientific papers which are daily being tested by scientists as crowd-sourced information delegated by societies then would go through rough scrutinising again.

You're very skilled with diversions, focus on the subject.

Denis_didero(24) Clarified
1 point

Your argument is incomprehensible as your motion is, he was specifically talking about the religious right whilst you talk about the religious left. The question is about the good contained in scientists and science in our world. The "religious left" isn't probably that scientifically inclined as you think.

Denis_didero(24) Clarified
1 point

You start off your argument by using the phrase "Overall no" and proceed by mentioning a few benefits such as the prevention of climate change and the prevention of diseases. Science isn't a "necessary evil", it has always been a necessity for us humans to inquire the nature of an aspect in our world whether it be in the microscopic level or in the external level. . Either you're a troll or an utter idiot, natural sciences is one of the most important sciences around besides logic and mathematics as it's being used to analyse everything that's abstract in our universe wherein logic and mathematics aren't able to solve such. Without natural sciences you're not going to be able to take medications for whatever illness you undoubtably have.

Denis_didero(24) Clarified
1 point

He's incapable in terms of not being able to hold an intellectual argument without throwing ad-hominems.

Denis_didero(24) Clarified
1 point

My identity is totally irrelevant... And I feel delighted that you took time to take a look at my profile, but I'm already taken (if the wink is a flirtatious signal).

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Jean Clermont-Zinmann
Gender: Male
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Libertarian
Country: France
Religion: Jewish
Education: Post Grad

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