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RSS Dylan613

Reward Points:2
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

There is no known evidence that there are galaxies for beyond our's. Also, space travel should be banned due to it costs lived due to its dangerous nature.

1 point

Yes they should be banned due to its dangerous nature and it costed 21 lives in one time. I'm worried that it I go into a spaceship during launch of other times, it would explode and I'll die. :’(

1 point

Yes, they should stop developing technology even further.

Here's why:

1. Drones are fast becoming threats in some places.

2. Robots are also feared to become threats like killer robots from terminator films or robot masters or mavericks from Megaman series.

3. Many people feared that some weapons could be developed to destroy earth.

4. Self-driving cars, which are so-called safe, might actually cause more accidents and deaths if something that's controlling self-driving cars goes haywire.

5. Virtual Reality is already causing problems and making some people crazy (and possibly sending crazy people who used VR to asylums) and even giving people cybersickness.

6. The most advanced phones are being used by hackers and terrorists to cause threats.

7. Sometimes, solar power might not work well when in a rainy or snowy place, possibly causing massive blackouts worldwide and probably make lots of people die from thirst and starvation as people are now dependent on our current tech.

8. Genetic-Engineering could lead to lots of humans getting deformed and die from deformities.

9. Future Glass with screens (like on some YouTube videos where glass had apps and others) could, just like virtual reality, cause people to go insane and possibly be sent to asylums.

Technology should stay the same as it is right now.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Dylan Hooton
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Education: In College

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