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Reward Points:18
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

If she can't afford the baby that's her fault. She could have gotten an abortion or put the baby up for adoption. She can do whatever she wants to avoid being in that situation. If you respect women's reproductive rights you should respect men's too.

1 point

Agreed. But, he should be able to opt out and have no responsibility to the fetus after birth if he doesn't want it. She has all the authority so he should have no responsibility.

1 point

Nor should he have any responsibility toward the fetus after birth if he doesn't want it. It's hers, as you aptly pointed out and he should be able to state up front that he wants nothing to do with it.

0 points

As soon as you tell me why, if that thing belongs to her, he should suddenly have equal responsibility or any responsibility for that matter. Why should men's reproductive rights still be trampled on. Men should have the right to opt out of parenthood, just like women can.

1 point

Then he should also have the absolute right to opt out of parenthood, seeing that it's your body and your child. There is no reason that he suddenly should have responsibility if his views mean nothing.

1 point

Feminists and radical Muslims share their extremism and their unreasoning insistence that their way is the only right way. No other way of seeing things is valid.

0 points

Sexism is a socially constructed concept, different than racism. It cannot be denied that men and women have different roles in biology. Sorry, you just can't. Nature built women to give birth, nurse, and carry babies. Even if you throw evolution in there, women evolved broader hips and breasts to nurse and carry babies. Science has proven that women hear a baby crying better than men.

Likewise, women and men have different emotional makeups in general. These are all biological realities. So, for a religion to believe that men and women are suited for different roles is not "sexist"'; they believe it to be practical and realistic.

1 point

Feminists hate men and are merely working for female superiority and the oppression of men to pay them back for years of oppressing women. They will deny it but so does the KKK denies that they hate blacks.

1 point

Why should it only be two consenting adults? What about people who were born poly who want to marry more than one person? Why should they be denied their rights? Let's stop with ALL of the bigotry.

1 point

I have noticed that many non-religious people impose their personal "religious" views on others. For example, I would like to see them support polygamy for consenting adults. Despite denying being religious, they want to impose their views on others by denying polygamists the right to marry.

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