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RSS Ethanman99

Reward Points:18
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yes i agree it is also safe but i mean you have pads right? so therefore if you get hit youll be better off then the guy who doesnt wear pads? correct?

1 point

I prefer google because its not just better but google is a daily thing people use tell me how many people you see using bing more then google.

1 point

I prefer google because its not just better but google is a daily thing people use tell me how many people you see using bing more then google.

1 point

I'm not saying that football is safe what i'm trying to imply is that if somebody doesn't let you play because they don't want you for instance getting a concussion that would be nonsense i say this because you can get a concussion without even playing a sport i mean really all you have to do is basically hit your head. If anything the helmets help deflect the big hits to the head so it is safe, if anything its safer than banging your head on a wall.

1 point

I think it is what you believe in and how much you care about the belief, there are many rumors from which i can not decide so i just stick with one idea and that's it,saying that we don't have enough knowledge to answer this question i would consider this question as a million dollar question saying that no one has enough knowledge to know what really happened.

1 point

Depends on how you act and or how you decide to make decisions here the question I leave you with do you feel good about yourself if yes why do you ask this question?

1 point

I'm getting the feeling that Obama has a great part in this and that Obama care is against this situation or not showing room for improvement.

0 points

If insurance companies cover treatment for infectious diseases it will lead to 1 bankruptcy for every 3 minutes which would lead to a debt of 4.3 million dollars.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Yes it is a safe sport

About Me

"My Dad is the owner of create debate and if it weren't for him i wouldn't be getting good grades ."

Biographical Information
Name: Ethan Kos-Dondlinger
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Catholic
Education: High School

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