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RSS Ettina

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

This is just ridiculous. All you need to do is follow one simple rule: sexual actions that cause harm are forbidden, anything else goes. That's an easy way to allow homosexuality while forbidding pedophilia.

1 point

Technically, pedophilia is attraction to prepubertal children. Being attracted to pubertal children is normal, but most people chose not to act on it.

And most 12 year old girls aren't fertile yet. Only the early developers are. In fact, most girls become fertile a few years after they start having their period, although that's not universal.

1 point

Morals have nothing to do with science. This does not mean they're not important.

Science asks about what is. Morality asks about what should be. Those are different questions.

Now, one can inform the other, for example, if you have the moral rule that 'causing harm to others is bad', you can use science to test whether certain actions do, in fact, cause harm. But it's important not to confuse what is and what should be, because those are two distinct ideas.

1 point

"Pedophiliacs are messed up in the mind. That is a choice homosexuality is not."

How the heck is being messed up in the mind a choice? That makes about as much sense as claiming that being an amputee is a choice.

1 point

How exactly is society harmed by homosexuality?

I've heard people claim that it disrupts the formation of traditional families. Well, even if we accept gays, they are 10% of the population. The other 90% are still going to want to find a partner of the opposite gender and form a traditional nuclear family, no matter what our attitude towards homosexuality is.

And it's not corruptive, because being gay is not something that can be changed by your social environment. After all, children raised by gay couples are no more likely to be gay, or show atypical gender role behavior, than children raised by straight couples(see attached link). If these kids aren't turned gay when the two most important people in their life are gay, how likely is it that someone who just happens to know an openly gay person incidentally will turn gay?

In contrast, there is evidence that child sexual abuse can have serious adverse effects on children, and can make the victim more likely to become an abuser as well. (Not necessarily a pedophile, since not all child sexual abuse perpetrators are pedophiles. Some do it for nonsexual reasons.)

Supporting Evidence: Literature review of children with gay/lesbian parents (
1 point

There is a big difference between the two. A homosexual person could rape people, or could find consenting partners, just like a heterosexual person can. In contrast, a child cannot consent to sex with an adult, so all sex between adults and children is child abuse. The only way pedophiles can act on their sexual desires is to abuse children.

I know some people claim that children can consent, and sometimes it seems like children are consenting, but children are easily pressured by adults and it's not very hard for an adult to convince a child to do something that the child is not comfortable with. The only children who make actual sexual advances are typically children who were abused already, or in rare cases kids with certain mental illnesses. Either way, those children are actually more likely to be harmed by an adult engaging in sexual activities with them.

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