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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

Alcohol is already a part of the society worldwide, so it's OK to drink alcohol, except if you're in a religion which disallows you to do so, or in a state when taking it would be dangerous for you (e.g: before driving) ; or for others (e.g: having a bar fight, etc.)

Also, we must not overconsume alcohol, nor are minors (such as myself), allowed to

1 point

The universe was created/existed/ started 13.75 billion years ago, it has the length of 8.80 * 10^26 meters, and it has 100 billion galaxies, each containing roughly thousands of stars, to think that we're the only sentient beings, or that our planet is the only planet with life is just absurd, as it ignores the statistical magnitude of our universe

(and don't even get me started on the Multiverse, or make me pun on illegal aliens being aliens...)

1 point

Only a part of the Church did crime against humanity; most of Catholics today wouldn't even approve of the Crusades and most of those crimes against humanity the Church had did in the past

The thing about the Church's disapproval to condom wear, is that it's an article of faith, a Canon rule, that you mustn't eliminate the possibility of conception in an intercourse, if you think about it, wouldn't just stopping the sexual intercourses happening there stop the spread the HIV? (I know it must be hard, but its better than inheriting your virus to the next generation)

And about sexual scandals happening in the Church's clergy, I'm convinced that anything those particular persons do are their fault, not the Church's (except if those reports of the higher-ups of the Church moving such priests after their crimes are revealed are confirmed)

And I do think that location matters here, those sexually deviant priests are only found in areas affected by the "Sexual Revolution" of the 60's, that must have affected them in their upbringing, not the seminary education (note that in my parish in the Jakartan satellite town of Tangerang, there haven't been any reports of such priests, and I haven't heard about those reports in the whole of Indonesia's Catholic Church either)

That's what led my 15-year-old mind to support the view I took, please respond, criticise me, put up counter-arguments ,etc. in a demeanor that you think a 15-year-old like me deserve to receive

Thank you

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