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RSS FineConstant

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Absolutely.. John 1:1 The Word was with God and the WORD IS God.. Glyphs (Words) are what separate us from the animal kingdom.. It enables us to create and destroy..

Let's take a look at the Etymology of two opposing forces

Science and Religion. Science (Scindere) means to 'split apart' . Religion(Religare) means to 'bind'..

So one breaks down and the other repairs.. If God is everywhere he most certainly is contained within our DNA.. The double Helix - two entwined serpents relates to Aesclipius - The 'Messenger' - Something is relaying information TO your DNA to get your body to operate.. Something is breaking down (Splitting apart) and something is repairing (binding back together)

I'll elaborate...

If we blew an Atom up to the size of a Peacock then a cell would be over half a mile across!

There isn't a place you could stand inside that cell without getting ripped apart thousands of times a second.. Proteins and other chemicals - some the size of basketballs - others the size of cars whizzing around relaying information from the DNA.. The DNA is getting sliced apart - everything is getting destroyed (hence cells dying and regenerating) and made anew.. As mentioned above - "Religare" (Religion) means to "Bind back together" - something is healing those cells and all the stuff INSIDE each cell.. Crazy stuff!

If you observe a snowflake up above you see it frozen in what you'd call a Cymatic - a frequency of God that nature abides by - all the DNA.. All life.. God is so incredibly great that IT truly resides outside of space and time - The great Architect (The Puppet Master).. God is both within you and without. We are here to bear Witness to the Testament of Light THROUGH God.. What a paradox!

The core function of Gods energy is in the form of a Torus.. So when The Book says we live in Sin it meant SINE.. A circle moving linear - creates the Electromagnetic spectrum.. We're all living in SINE lol.. God runs the wavelength.. God hid in all the ancient texts.. Torus / Taurus the Bull/cow - all creation texts describe a Creation Cow hence the MILKy way Galaxy relates to MILK (got Milk?).. The portal you came out of was your mother's U-Taurus - every. Single. One. Of. You.. Spirit IS GOD.. GOD IS SPIRIT.. The Torus field (Double Helix =DNA).. The most hight exhibition beautiful algorithm that allows us the free will to either become closer to Spirit or to reject Spirit.. Free will! We all return after this whether we like it or not..

Not one of us can produce a leaf that can perform photosynthesis yet.. Not one..

One of Saturn's Moons spins the opposite way to the rest!

And Evolution should indicate that all the Gas giant plants be on the inside and the hard rocky planets on the outside...

I think that's God leaving a very bold statement..

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