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RSS Foozball

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10 most recent arguments.
0 points

No, he definitely is not. I have NOOOOOO clue why you say that.

1 point

Actually in defense of hufflepuff do you recall when everybody was hating on Harry but then Cedrich Diggery told them to stop even though he was competing against him.

1 point

This man robotdebater told me personally, "You cannot vote people down but you can vote people up." but then he goes and votes down all of the Gryffindor facts that he can, hypocrite.

1 point

Well if i were you I wouldn't be going around calling people muggles when you are yourself. Also if you think Snape was a hero he was the one who killed Dumbeldore (technically) and Draco Malfoy was the one who dissarmed him. Hmm the commonality I see here is they are both for Slytherin and they are also evil. Case closed

0 points

If Hufflepuff is the best house can you please clarify how with evidence? And if they are the only ones who aren't "Dkheads" then explain, was Neville one standing up to Voldemort, was Hermoine, Ron, and Harry, when they were standing up to Voldem- I mean you know who? Please explain more in detail.

0 points

One thing I forgot to add was that in the first Harry Potter book (Sorcerers Stone/Philosophers Stone) while Rubeus Hagrid was explaining the houses and stated, "...Hufflepuff are a load o' duffers..." That is my conclusion for the first point.

1 point

Well I think that Gryffindor is the best because they are brave and Neville who may I add was in Gryffindor stood up to Voldemort and killed his seventh horecrux defeating him.Also Emma Watson (Hermoine) is hot and she is in Gryffindor sooooo........

1 point

Yes Mexicans bombarded our country and now where I live most jobs require you to speak spanish!!!!!

1 point

Everyone who is athiest is actually smart because we have the common sense to know that there can't be a person who created the hole earth. Take into consideration all the evidence in the big bang theory and the stardust theory. Are we dumb now?

1 point

hi 1121212121212111112221212 121111111111111111111


Winning Position: Gryffindor

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Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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