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RSS FormerlyASA

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1 point

We have not lost any armed conflict, unless the politicians screwed it up. Let the generals fight the wars, and the amateurs stay home and continue to make asses of themselves like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.

You are overestimating the power of China - their economy depends on ours and a cursory study of the subject will tell you they do not desire a fight with us on any battlefield.

I also dispute your knowledge of battlefield tactics in modern warfare. You have no real idea about combat in the modern era and you are regurgitating left wing defeatist attitudes that have no basis the reality on the ground. Your knowledge of how the North Korean army fights and would deploy in combat is severely lacking. They are in fact dug in to the mountainous terrain north of Seoul and we know exactly where they are and what they have to fight with. You have underestimated the military intelligence activities of our armed forces and if you think that North Korea can put up a realistic fight against the South Korean, United States, Japanese and other allied forces against them in a shooting war, all I can say is watch and be amazed.

1 point

The US scientists come from our many Universities across the country. If you are implying that our scientists are of foreign origin, you would be incorrect. We have plenty of gifted minds right here in the US. The fact that most foreign scientists come here to be educated should tell you something.

1 point

Absolutely - China keeps them in check that way. Much of their tech is stuff the Chinese have obsoleted.

1 point

Not a chance. China has to steal advanced technology to modernize their military and anyone who has been watching should know that there is no nation on earth that has the power to defeat the United States on the battlefield. These fantasies persist mainly among the ignorant who have no clue about the true nature and level of US military power.

1 point

The United States is the only post World War Two Superpower - period. If you believe all the hype coming from the liberal media, then you are being lied to. We won the cold war because our technology and weaponry are the best and most powerful on the planet bar none. The reason the USSR collapsed is because the United States developed the most advanced arsenal in the world and the Soviet state bankrupted itself trying to keep up and failed miserably in the process. The state of Russian weapons is basically where it was in the 1970's, and they are not capable of catching up anytime soon. China is barely getting started with their military development, and it does not matter how many people you have in uniform, if their equipment is not battlefield ready and capable then you are not going to put up any kind of a defense. Tying the Chinese and the Russians to North Korea is a fallacy. They look upon North Korea as an annoyance they feel they are responsible to stand by, but if it comes to a military offensive, neither the Chinese or the Russians want to trade blows with the United States, and honestly the United States doesn't want conflict with them either.

If North Korea attacks they South or the United States, they will be overwhelmed with the response and the conflict will be severe and brief. If you know your history, the North Koreans in 1950 invaded the South and had some success in driving back the South, until the UN and the USA got involved. As soon as McArthur landed at Inchon, They rolled up the North Korean Army and pushed them all the way back to the Yalu River. Unfortunately for the US/UN, the Chinese under Mao massed at the border and came across a million strong, overwhelming the overextended UN/US troops. That will not happen in a new Korean War because the Chinese have no desire to die for Kim Jong Un.

What will happen is a massive amount of firepower will be unloaded on Kim's much vaunted North Korean Army and it will be a very bad day for anyone in a North Korean uniform. IF Kim gets jumpy and attacks the South, Japan, or any US ally in the region his government will be reduced to rubble (the US has been refining the battle plan for this since 1953, and it has been updated with each generation of weapons technology and battle tactics that has developed since the cease fire began in Pan Mun Jom.

If you don't believe me, look at the battlefield results every time Russian military hardware and tactics have been employed against the US on the field of battle in the past 15 years - Desert Storm - Saddam Hussein's military was armed with Russian weapons and learned their combat tactics from the former USSR. Remember the highway of death? Hundreds of vehicles caught on the road from Kuwait City headed to Bagdad, all destroyed and thousands of troops killed on one short stretch of road in one multiple sortie mission in one day/evening/night. The largest tank battle in Iraqi military history, armed with Russian tanks and other armor - The battle of 73 Easting; a total and humiliating defeat of the Iraqi military in which we lost very few men and vehicles and they lost everything that came out to fight - or run.

North Korea will never prevail in battle against the United States, and in fact will be completely and utterly destroyed on the field of battle - all of their armor, artillery, missile batteries, troops - all of it will be gone in very short order. Our airpower will keep them from ever taking to the skies, our naval forces will sink and destroy all of their vessels at sea, and it will be a complete and definitive end to the North Korean regime.

And afterward, we will deliver humanitarian aid and help rebuilt the North so it will be a functional partner for the South Korean people. This is what the US does when it defeats an enemy regime, it comes to the aid of the people of the country and helps put them back on their feet, and in the case of Korea, this has been waiting to be implemented since the armistice in 1953. The United States is not interested in possession of any territory in or on the Korean peninsula, what we are interested in is the welfare and peaceful coexistence of the two Koreas and creating the environment whereby the families kept apart for 70 years by the North Korean government can be reunified as is natural and should be.

It is time for the Korean people to be one, and enough blood has been shed. If Kim Jong Un persists in his efforts to create chaos and antagonism, one day he will take that one step too far and that will be his undoing.

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