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RSS Frankiarmz

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I don't have a religious agenda for questioning the theory of evolution as it relates to one organism evolving into another. I just don't see how given limitless time, such different species can evolve rather than somehow otherwise come into existence. I think about human reproduction and anatomy as remarkable in the contrast between the internal and external, and I wonder how such reproduction could take place in transition over time? I'm more prone to believe it had to be the result of some sort of spontaneous event, very specific. I completely accept the evolution and adaption of living creature, it's the jump to something totally different that has me at odds.

I can't offer a plausable explanation in my defense, only my doubts on evolution.

1 point

I thought science had proven the weightlessness of space and low gravity on the Moon? Wouldn't that give more evidence to the theory of gravity, beyond that of evolution?

1 point

I appreciate the intelligent response which explains how a species can theoretically adapt, or evolve it's reproduction. I apologize for wasting your time, but that does not explain how such a species would evolve into a totally different species. Correct me if I'm wrong but are their birds and lizards that give live birth? Has science documented such a dramatic evolution wihtin a species? I guess for me the jump from adapting to evolving into a completely different species is just not something I accept any longer. Why do people who profess to be well educated require such a condescending tone? The therory of evolution may have strong supporters, but certainly does not have the same evidence as gravity.

1 point

We may share some genetic similarities with other species, but where is the proof that we evolved from any other life form? How can science account for the reproduction that would be necessary for one species to evolve into another, such as egg laying birds and reptiles into live birth mammals? I can understand a species adapting to it's environment, but not evolving into a totally different life form.

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