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RSS FreeFox

Reward Points:1
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1 point

"LDS has every right as a private organization to keep gays from being in their church, and may even wish to pursue that if Card is correct."

I'm not so certain. While I support religious freedom, I think that like all freedoms, it is limited. A Church like LDS is more than an pigeon breeders association, because membership is not something that grown-ups freely chose. Most members are born into it.

Would you be okay with a church that teaches the female children of its members that women are naturally inferiour and should not pursue any education beyond the minimum demanded by civil law (and that even that ought to be changed if possible.) Or one that teaches the children of its members (including black or asian children) that non-whites are created by God to serve whites and that they should accept and pursue this is their natural role in life? Wouldn't you call it child abuse if any organization that had power over children would try to warp and humiliate the children of its members like that?

So why should any organization, church or not, be allowed to teach its homosexual children that they are abominable, that they must never live their sexuality, that what they feel as love is evil, that they are actually worth less than other members? How is that not child abuse?

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