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RSS GavinL03

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
3 points

Do you want to say that communism killed 100 million people since 1917?

Well let me tell you that your capitalism kills 100 million people every 5-6 years, since 1991. That's much more than 650 million people dying under capitalism, at least 550 million more than under communism. Deal with it.

Do you still want to insist on why the Soviet Union fell? China predicted that and fell out with the Soviets and Vietcongs and North Koreans, focusing on a balance of socialism (non-extreme communism) and free trade (a very little bit of capitalism). Vietnam is doing the same, except that it's going closer to the fascist capitalist dog America.

1 point

No, atheism is not a religion. Atheists don't believe in fairytales like god, allah, satan, witchcraft, tooth fairy, unicorns etc.

1 point

1)Will demonize the believer and tell them you can be "good" without belief.

Me: Demonize? We atheists don't believe in such things either. You can choose to be good with or without belief. There are good christians like Martin Luther King Jr., and bad christians like Adolf Hitler; there are good muslims like Malcom X and bad ones like Osama bin Laden; also there are ethical people without belief like Bill Gates vs. unethical ones like Stalin.

Your beliefs don't determine the person you are, your actions do.

2)I don't like God, so he isn't there.

ME: I was not born to believe in god, I have never liked or disliked god, BECAUSE there isn't one. I don't like your god as much as I don't like Paul's imaginary blue pink sheep.

3)Many say they hate or are anti-religion and attack Christianity.

ME: Anti-religion doesn't necessarily mean attacking one. You know, science provides us with all the reason and evidence to believe, while religion is just a book without actual proof, so "faith". I'm against religion because it teaches people to be satisfied with not knowing the whole world, I'm not attacking religion - I'm describing it.

4)Say they "Have a lack of belief".

True, atheism as defines in almost all dictionaries are "lack of belief in a god or gods". It's the amount of certainty one has as an atheist, in the absolute scale. If I speak it from the relative scale you may understand better. You christians don't believe in allah, so muslims consider you atheists to their religion. Vice versa also can. We atheists lack belief in just 1 more god than you.

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