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RSS GraceA

Reward Points:3
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

China will be the 21st Century Superpower for many reason....Here is why.

Economy.USA vs China- China

China has the bigger selective things for there economy. Looking at graphs, china has more reasons for being so high in there industries. they have a higher rate in winning then the United States does. China also has the highest rate based on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). Even Though China's Population is less than the U.S it still has higher rate it still beats the U.S. Winner- China

Military: China

China has a higher military power for Manpower, and men fit for the military.China ha 2.3 Million member armed forces. The U.S Only has advantages in a few areas but China's improved performances could raise cost lengthen the conflict, and increase risks to the United States. winner- China

0 points

I disagree because the USA has different things to do while North Korea is planning to bomb us, we should not be concerned because if we just stand around doing nothing then something bad is GOING to happen so our army should plan something so that does not happen

0 points

But if North Korea wants to do another missile test we should not be worrying about what there doing we should worry about how we are going to defend ourselves and protect the USA from the missile.

1 point

The USA should not be concerned about Kim Jon-UN because South Korea is threatening North Korea to launch a nuclear strike. the international institute for strategic studies proved that North Korea has something that can hit American shores but it said that any "functioning nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missile is still at least several years away.


1 point

The 5 countries in the security council should keep veto powers because people should be able to have to do what they need to do. the security council makes the decision to decide what goes on. they should keep veto power cause then things are going to get bad. this is why they should keep veto power.


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