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RSS Grahamcrackr

Reward Points:0
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Don't be retarded, I never said anything to imply that. I don't want ANYONE spying on me or on people who did nothing wrong.

Grahamcrackr Clarified
1 point

Step one: Name calling.

Step two: Ad-hominem.

Step three: Responding to tone.

Step four:Contradiction.

Step five: Counterargument.

Step six: Refutation.

Step seven: Total annihilation of all opposing view points.

Graham's hierarchy of argumentation.

1 point

Step one: Fuck you.

Step two: Everyone who disagrees with me is a retard.

Step three: People who disregard the importance of science and modern technology should just go back to the fucking stone ages and die of tooth decay at age 30 while a sabretooth bites them on the ass.

Step four: Science is better than no science

Step five: Compare the standard of living for inuits in the middle of fucking siberia or african tribesman to that of the modern westerner and tell me if we where better off without science.

step six: The life expectancy has gone up because science, the world is full of convenience because science, we have answers about the universe because science, we are dominating the planet because science, we are reducing disease because science, we are interfacing through a fucking computer because science, none of our bitch asses would even be here talking to each other without science.

Step seven: any problems supposedly caused by science are actually caused by a lack of wisdom and morality, not because of the actual science.

3 points

Step one: You are a dumb bitch.

Step two: You are one to talk you christian hypocrite. Actually you are more like a hippopotamus you fat fucking bitch.

Step three: You sound like another condescending cunt who cares more about a bundle of cells and your imaginary friends God and Jesus than a fully developed human being you fucking cunt.

Step four: It is hypocritical for Christian's to call themselves "pro life" and preach forgiveness then militantly oppose the notion that someone should be forgiven enough to at least be allowed to live the rest of their miserable life in the forced labor camps known as prisons.

Step five: Sometimes abortion is necessary, but can you name an example of when the death penalty was an absolute necessity? No one who ever got the death penalty actually needed to be killed, they could have easily just been locked up forever and forced to shovel coal or something.

Step six:

Step seven:Hypocrisy implies that you don't do what you say or that you contradict yourself, abortion and the death penalty are completely separate issues, I am both pro choice and pro death penalty but even still, If someone doesn't want to kill an actual human being but is willing to kill a sperm cell or a bundle of cells that might become a human baby in several months that's not hypocritical at all. I mean where do you draw the line? If I where to jerk off into a bowl of rice and feed it to you would you be more mad that the sperm cells died than that you just ate semen rice? Abortions are supposed to be done before the fetus even developes human features or a nervous system.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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