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RSS Grishnackh

Reward Points:10
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5 most recent arguments.
0 points

Most of the terrorists think that they are working towards peace. Almost everyone thinks that he or she is working towards peace. There is no onjective value that can be applied to referece of "peace". This term can be interpreted on different ways and almost any ideology will consider its vision of peace and ways of achieving it as best.

0 points

It is common view among people that you can separate subject from its effect. When we see a sentence such as "lightning flashes" grammar would lead us to conclusion that there is subject called "lightning" and predicate "flashes". Grammar misleads us to conclusion that you can separate subject from its effect. There is no doer and deed, deed is everything. What is lightning if not flash?

Same goes with marijuana, it is not substance that EFFECTS and individual who consumed it can not choose whether he will act this or that way. He releases his subconsciousness and it is not effect of marijuana but the marijuana user itself who does this. He can not choose will he operate heavy machinery or not.

Grishnackh(10) Clarified
1 point

I edited debate topic, it really was stupid thing to ask ;)

1 point

Peace is not necessary good think. Most of our progress is made out if the conflict of interests. Hope you don't think I'm a racist but I think that Europe has lost its pride and glory since these policies have been enacted. My personal opinion is that liberal policies and christanity destroyed Europe (as a biological term). It is idiotic for someone in America to be a bit racist because black people contributed to progress of America same as white people did. But before christianity came and its liberal descendants Europe had its pagan religions, its unique cultures and art and way of life. Ever since christian plague came across Europe our society is becoming more and more mediocre and decadent. It is sad to see these beautiful cultures and languages being destroyed by globalization and Americanization but thats another topic.

Note: I hope you don't think I am racist, maybe little bit xenophobic but not racist

Grishnackh(10) Clarified
1 point

Sorry, I think you misunderstood thw question. What I tried to ask is different. Point of my question is: are these anti racist policies actually having negative impact on white people?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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