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RSS Hannah1Donk

Reward Points:7
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Adding onto my argument from earlier:

Something I've noticed multiple times on this debate is that marriage is meant for a man and woman.

Do you think that it's fair that a drunk man and woman can get married within an hour at Las Vegas, but two men or women who have been together for years and have a true love for one another cant get married at all? Because I don't. Love is love, whether its a man and a woman or not.

Marriage should not be judged upon the gender of those entering its bond, but by the strength of their love for one another. If the average man and woman loved each other as much as the average practically-married couples, I guarantee divorce rates would be a fraction of what they are now. If you have a problem with anything to do with love, have a problem with marriage between two people who do not love each other.

1 point

This topic gets me so worked up. Let me try to separate my thoughts.

Gays: Hey, guess what? They are humans! And in America, that means marriage is a right for them! Why? Because we have this thing here called "freedom"!

I always ask why people are against it. I always get these four reasons. All of which I have answers to, that prove you wrong.

1) JESUS! Oh praise The Lord!

My answer: Oh so I take it you've read the Bible? (Whole other argument, I'll skip this part.) God loves all of his children, Christians. Gays including. Not impressed? Alright. Furthermore, (this may be a surprise,) NOT EVERYONE REVOLVES AROUND YOUR BOOK! So that is no reason to refuse homosexuals their right of marriage.

2) It's unnatural.

My answer: Oh, is it? I assume you haven't studied, because, yes, it is. There are gay fish, mice, deer, snakes, antelope, elk, dogs, cats, rats, birds, hippos, alligators, crocodiles, hamsters, and, if they existed, unicorns. Need I continue?

3) ...Okay... Oh! THEY CAN'T REPRODUCE!

My answer: This is one of my absolute favorites. So they shouldn't get married because of that? Alright. Let's make marriage illegal if you can't reproduce. So, yes, that includes you silly people, who are incapable of getting pregnant or are incapable of getting someone pregnant. End of story. And most people aren't gay anyway, so who cares? The world is so veer populated that China already has a law against multiple children. ALSO, some people don't even want a child or children.

4) It makes me uncomfortable though!

My answer: They aren't having sex in front of you! Get over it. It isn't your business.

[Same Love by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. Listen to that song. It's perfect. My two favorite parts

1) America the brave still fears what we don't know.

2) When everybody is more comfortable remaining voiceless rather than fighting for humans who have had their rights stolen.]

I'm Hannah Michelle Donk on Facebook. If you want to continue an argument , message me. I love arguments. (:

Winning Position: Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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