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Reward Points:13
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Wait, there was a 50 character limit? Never knew that.

Now I do.

1 point

By currently, you mean now (as in June 8, 2013, etc.), I suppose. And yes, it is. Though people are making improvements, I've heard that the concentration of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) all around the world is nearing the 'point of no return,' and you can research this if you want.

1 point

I agree with you, and I worded it improperly. But still, you have to think of the short/long-term consequences.

1 point

As much as I hate to say it, I have to disagree to this one, even though I know they're harmful. Making cigarettes illegal would not really improve anything, and people might smuggle cigarettes or just buy them from some other country which has even worse effects.

2 points

Evolution, to me, makes more logical sense. Of course, that depends on what 'logical' means to you. Evolution, I suppose, is something that is very hard, and maybe even impossible to prove. But I can tell you that I believe this concept (almost all the time): The more you practice, the better you get at something. Same goes for evolution, except that the change is so much that it's visible. Still, I'm a kid, so I can easily say that I know very little compared to some others about both evolution and creationism.

1 point

Of course there is, in the English language. Just that something which is considered right by a person could be wrong to another person, and something which is wrong to a person could be right to another. For example, some certain scientists would believe that it is right to use animals for science experiments, but animal lovers would disagree.

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Winning Position: Unresolved

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"Just a kid who debates when he wants to or finds it necessary."

Biographical Information
Name: Jonathan 
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: Hong Kong

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