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RSS HarrySnotter

Reward Points:29
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10 most recent arguments.

Crazy how you looked for hours of evidence of bio labs in Ukraine, yet it took me 10 seconds.

The left thinks we can't go back and look at their past articles about bio labs in Ukraine that the US funded. You guys should delete all of your past articles. We do go search them out. Hilarious.

Anything which happened in real life should be taught to children

Pornogrophy happened. Rape happened. You're disgusting bro.

America isn't a democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic. You voted on the last House bill? No you didn't. Someone else did you lying piece of shit.

I can't figure out if the fact you think the administration wouldn't possibly ever want to manipulate identities via facial recognition for election purposes is sad or hysterical.

2 points

Should Biden be allowed to withdraw money from the bank accounts of the rich?

No because they'll just stop producing, and then you'll have nothing to tax. This is why Margaret Thatcher pointed out that Socialism fails when there's no one left to steal money from.

The self-interested, career obsessed neo-fascist who aided and abetted in covering up the 9/11 attacks

Bush is against Trump. Looks like you're on Bush's team now.

He's an old Commie from way back. He's happy with blacks being attacked by left wing whites in the streets.

I appreciate you being honest and posting on the correct, true side.

Isn't it really strange how capitalist nations were the ones who enslaved, exploited and segregated blacks

In America it was the Democratic Party. Today, it's the Democratic Party. amp=true

but it's the Marxists who are racist.

They are putting Muslims in gulags so......

Go figure. Strange world this upside down alt-Reich paradise.

Capitalism has no wing. Many Democrats are Capitalists.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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