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RSS Hbrosius

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Yes I believe government is nessecary for many reasons first reason is that government also promotes harmony though justice and equality. Once a crime is solved by the police, it is the duty of the judicial branch of the government to bring the perpetrator to court for fair trial and punishment. It makes sure that the right person gets into jail for the right reason. Another role of the government is to provide children with public access to basic education. It is essential that children learn how to read, write and count.Another role of the government is to collect taxes and ensure that these taxes fund the right projects that are beneficial to society. Money is needed to build public schools, roads and bridges and provide services like welfare assistance, health care, unemployment benefits, etc. This is where taxes come in. The government collects taxes from individuals and business so that schools, roads and other infrastructure are built. Lastly government Is important that they protect its security from threats. It is the role of the government to have a military force to defend its territory from external threats like terrorism, war and invasion. The government's police force protects the citizens against internal threats like civil disobedience, organized crime. But government over all is to work with each other to maintain world peace and prosperity.

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