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RSS HonestAbe

Reward Points:11
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

No it is not. All that the point system proves is that you can either write a long argument entry or you can get someone else to agree with your entry (which may or may not make a good point).

2 points

Do you seriously believe that we are better off since Obama was elected to office? Because that is what it sounds like you are saying.

I am pretty sure that just about no one is happy with the crushing debt that he has piled on us in the last two years. yeah, yeah Bush was a spendahaulic too, but Obama has spent Waaaaayyyy more than Bush ever did (not to mension that Obama criticized Bush for his spending. How the shoe is on the other foot now). If you look at the attached link to a chart of our debt as a percentage of GDP you will see that the national debt has not been this high as a percentage of GDP since WWII!! Our debt as a nation has done anything but go down as a percent of GDP!

Oh, so it is okay to start unnecessary wars because he wants to impress the global community?

Also I am not so sure about that "the world no longer hates us" thing either.

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2 points

Wealth is created by those who produce something of value. What is produced could be a physical good or it could be a service. As long as it is of some use to the person who created it or someone who is willing to trade or purchase it from him/her it could be considered that wealth has been created.

2 points

That is a simplistic argument.

I would venture that North Korea is not great exactly because it can not be improved upon. Of course there is also the population starving, being run by an insane dictator, extreme technological backwardness, etc. but these problems can't be fixed like they surely would be if North Korea had the same type of government that we do.

You take for granted that we can improve our country. I don't think that is what makes our country great, but it certainly deserves more credit than you are giving it.

2 points

I will start with the lazy comment. Americans are not lazy. We work for everything we have. We have longer work weeks, longer work days and fewer holidays. Americans have driven the world economy for almost 70 years. We have accomplished more in the last 100 years than many other nations have during there entire existence.

As for patting ourselves on the back, we have a lot to be proud of and just because we can list off a long line of accomplishments doesn't mean that we are "patting ourselves on the back" any more than say an Olympic gold metal winner is patting him/herself on the back by being exceptional.

I do agree with you that we should not be sticking our collective noses in every body else's business.

If you want to measure how great our country is by how rich our poor are than we are a pretty great country. The only "poor" people out there are the ones that choose to be that way or are drug addicts or mentally handicapped, and even they have options if they want help.

You sir, are taking cheap shots at the country that you presumably live in. If you don't like it everyone would be happy if you left (you included).

2 points

What? I can't even figure out what your argument is supposed to be.

2 points

I don't think that liberals are less patriotic, and I am a conservative. I do think that liberals see things form a different set of presuppositions that conservatives don't understand and so it is hard for us to understand how you could fell pride in this great country of ours while holding the positions that, generally speaking, liberals do.

Okay, that said, our freedom is, or at least was, unparalleled for the greater part of two centuries. I think that the reason people don't seem to realize this is because most people who live here don't exercise and/or don't value all the freedoms that we enjoy in the United States of America. Case and point would be gun ownership. Many don't like the fact that you can own a firearm in the United States, and many more than that, don't own a gun. This freedom alone, separates us from most of the world.

As for health care, we have THE BEST health care in the world. We lead the world in medical innovation. That said, it is also the most expensive in the world. A problem that could be made not as severe with an injection of the free market and Medicare reform. Please don't think I am being simplistic here. The explanations as to why those two things would help could fill volumes. When people start comparing Canadian or European health care to American health care the only thing you gain is less expensive. If we want to improve the health care industry in the United States lets look at solving some of the problems in our system before we throw the baby out with the bathwater.

As for criticizing, it seems like (I said 'seems like') liberals criticize America for what is wrong with her, where as conservatives criticize what is wrong with America and love her for the freedom she provides. There is a difference.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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