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RSS IDemosthenes

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

You're wrong. Morals have everything to do with science. Theism might not have anything to do with science. Morals do however.

1 point

First off You are wrong about animals being sexually attracted to their offspring. My cats do it all the time. One will have kittens. when the kittens are of breeding age. The father cat will breed with them and produce 5 or 6 new little partners for them to mate with. And before you say anything about pedophilia being different I think if it is any different (which is really isn't seeing as a 12 year old girl is of breeding age seeing as she can give birth then) I think pedophilia in some cases can be better than your pet example seeing as pets will engage in both pedophilia and incest. Second off you are also wrong when saying that it is sometimes natural for an animal to be attracted to the same sex. In what ways is that natural? It serves no scientific purpose. If the purpose in life is to pass on one's genes than there is no purpose for them to be alive.

1 point

No, sadly the world thinks that we need to be loving and supporting of homosexuals. Truth is we don't. and we shouldn't. It's only going to cause us to accept more horrid forms of sexual perversion.

2 points

No, in the entire history of science no one has ever proven such creatures to exist. even if fish and monkeys could mate(which they cannot due to chromosome imbalance) it would take millions of years of evolution and many many failed attempts at giving mammals gills. these pseudo-mermaids would have to mate, pass on their genes and give birth, faster than it would take for them to die of underwater asphyxiation. simply can't be done.

1 point

I've been learning about worldviews as of late and am quite confident that some sort of religion is the only correct way of thinking. The three major worldviews are Naturalism(atheism), Transcendentalism, and Theism. There are certain benefits that have to be accepted in all three of these worldviews. and they are questions on objective morals, free will, a personal soul, life after death, a god, meaning and hope. On to dissecting Naturalism. Naturalism states that the every thing that exists, exists on the material plane. There is never anything that exists on a supernatural level. So naturalism basically states that there are no moral principles, no free will, no personal soul, no life after death, no god, and no meaning or hope to existance. So anyone who is engaging in an act that they believe is an act of free will can not logically believe to be a Naturalist. Now Transcendentalism. This one is easy. Trans. states that nothing exists independently because we are all part of a greater whole. If nothing exists then we have no way of knowing whether or not trans. exists. easy huh? So in a certain way Trans. proves itself not to exist. Now comes theism which is the only worldview that has answers on the benefits that make sense. Logically some form of theism is the only worldview worth believing. Now as to what form of theism is correct I'll let you decide.

2 points

I think that if we are to accept one, then in all fairness we should accept both. Let me rephrase that. Quit accepting homosexuality. Homosexuality is against the very laws of science. I don't care that it is caused by chemicals reacting to the brain. Men were created to breed with women. If this is indeed true than pedophilia can be more natural than homosexuality given the underage partner is of opposite sex of the offender. However our society has sat back and let homosexuals do what ever they please because we are afraid of offending them. In the past subjects such as divorce and homosexuality were taboo to talk about much less commit. And now we are accepting these subjects as common place. It's hard to watch an hour of television without seeing either a homosexual or a person who has gone through a divorce. If we don't straighten up(pun intended) as a society it's only a matter of time before we start accepting pedophilia and laugh at that goofy pedo on primetime.

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