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Reward Points:16
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10 most recent arguments.

Affirmative action justly compensates groups for past wrongs. It is important for injustices to be redressed. Slavery and institutionalized racism have not been redressed yet in America and around the world. In order for justice to be served, it is necessary for the main losers of racism in America (blacks) to be compensated for their loses through affirmative action.

Affirmative action only deprives whites of unearned opportunities. Michel Rosenfeld. "Affirmative Action and Justice: A Philosophical Inquiry." New Haven, Connecticut. Yale University Press. (1991): "affirmative action plan is precisely tailored to redress the losses in prospects of success [by blacks and women] attributable to racism and sexism, it only deprives innocent white males of the corresponding undeserved increases in their prospects of success…."

Affirm action justly asks whites to sacrifice for common good: It is common in democracy for different citizens to take up unequal burdens to achieve certain social goods. Progressive taxes are a good example of this. Affirmative Action adopts the same notion of assigning certain unequal burdens to some currently privileged groups in order to achieve a greater level of equality.

Gadhafi is a cruel dictator, power-hungry, and would resort to all means to hold on desperately to his power, even if it entails great loss of lives in his country. That is precisely why it's so out-of-hand that the US has to intervene and help rebels overthrow the government. Ultimately, we want the best for the Libyan citizens, though it would cause the life of Gadhafi to be risked. Even then, serves him right. He screwed the country, might as well screw him back BADLY.

3 points

However, you must face THE REALITY that homework actually increases the child's proficiency in that subject.

damn what's with your profanity. it is not really appropriate to use such uncivilized language

2 points

So you are saying that your roses would feel hurt if you cut it and give it to your loved ones? Are you saying that your vegetables would cry if you ate them? HEY, WAKE UP. THIS IS WHAT'S IN YOUR IMAGINARY WORLD.

If eating meat was an instinct, you would have eaten up your classmates and colleagues.

And I must say that though plants are alive, they can't think! But animals can! They have feelings: they fear being slaughtered - c'mon!

Since to you, life is common, and it isn't going to be considered as precious. But I hereby ask you: If you die, will you spring back to life? No, definitely. Similarly animals have only one life, it is therefore important that life is upheld as sacred.

And if you still think life isn't precious, you might as well die now - since life isn't worth it in your opinion.

Where do you get meat from? Animals. The poor little ducks, chickens, pigs, fish, cows and all sorts of animals now play another role in satisfying your hunger. That is immoral, because basically life is precious.

Even if he hated them and prosecuted them, it is still a minority. And now, you are neglecting society's interests for just a minority?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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