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Reward Points:29
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I wouldn't know where to start, well it all depends on where you are from. I'd not drink anymore of it!

1 point

I am 12 and 5 ft 3" and my Dad is 6ft 3". I would not like to be taller than 6ft when I'm older because I think its to tall for a girl but I wouldn't like to be small because everyone would look down at you!

1 point

I dont think that would be a great idea. I don't think I'd like it

2 points

I disagree completely. I'm sorry but "There is no place for books in modern society" is untrue. I am 12 years old and I love books, I want to be either a teacher or a surgeon when I am older. I love reading all books, Music, Thrillers you name it! For a 12 year old I have a vast range of books from Jacqueline Wilson to Shakespeare! So I hope my point was useful.

1 point

I can not be certain about any of this and neither can anyone else here, i personally think its a matter of opinion. You believe or you don't. There have been people who have claimed that they have seen UFOs and Extraterrestrials but I'm not one of those people so I don't know.

1 point

I can see 2 sides: A) It does effect global warming, and it also makes us healthier to walk more often and (B) Teenagers and younger and the elderly don't like walking. Also when you are coming back from shopping for food with tones of heavy bags, nightmare if you live miles away from it and going on holidays would be an absolute nightmare! So I personally think that we she use cars and other petrol/diesel run transportations less and try and walk, cycle, skate or even scoot on scooters!

1 point

Sometimes they might mean it or they mightn't. You can kind of tell by their tone of voice.

1 point

Of course they are...why else would they be in school? If you think about it the music teachers don't just sit their and watch you or pick their nails! They TEACH you how to play an instrument!

1 point

Well if you actually think about it.. I'm eleven and I look up to my Granny. She was around in W.W.2 so she knows about that which I don't know very much about. Yes us people born in the last 40 years might be better at the technical side of things. But that dosent mean that we are smarter. People who are over 60 would be smarter than anyone else younger because they have already gone through most of their life and have experienced life's ups and downs and have learnt from their mistakes!

1 point

Well I personally think that "No offence" dosen't make a difference! If someone says something hurtful they should either say sorry or just don't talk to them anymore!If someone says something hurtful like calls you fat or ugly and they say "No offence" at the end.. what I wonder is why they would say it in the first place if they don't mean it to offend someone. But some people just add it to the end to make themselves look less bad for saying it.

Displaying 6 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Yes
Tied Positions: Father vs. Mother
Tied Positions: Urban vs. Rural

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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