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RSS JacqueFresco

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

This sounds very much like you are desperately seeking justification for making up your own information.

No, that's just my interpretation of what he said, he seems to be more worried about stopping me from speaking then he is about stopping transgender people from hitting me with their purse and stealing my DNA force.

How is it even possible that I am English and know more about American law than you do?

Because laws are a social construct, I only care about knowing real things. And yes certain things are banned in certain states but in general you are not going to get punished for hate speech unless it gets to the level of harassment.

I do not misrepresent the speech of other people

Really? Maybe you are just too stupid to understand it then, because 9/10 when you attack me or mathfan or bronto it is like you are making it up as you go along, it's either deliberate misrepresentation or you just can't understand anything we say.

You are an actual liar.

Sure, I lie sometimes, but only when I am trolling. When I'm being serious I may still say fucked up things but I don't lie unless I am playing a part in an alt account.

you do not even understand your own laws.

They aren't my laws, other people made them up and told me I have to follow them. Also I don't identify as an American, I identify as a reptilian grey hybrid from andromeda.

3 points

Does antifa support free speech? NO

Does antifa support equal rights? NO they support special privileges for "oppressed" groups and the oppression of "non oppressed" groups.

Is antifa generally authoritarian? YES

Most antifa members conduct themselves like crazed authoritarian fascists. No fascist is telling me this, I can tell just by watching footage of real antifa members and the shit they say. How is being anti free speech anti fascist? How is calling random people fascist and throwing moldy butt hole cheese at them just for not agreeing with everything you say anti fascist? Remember what you told me about Hitler not being a socialist just because he calls himself one? Why can't you apply that logic here?

Have you been using alt accounts to put complaints in about me?


2 points

Who says that's OK?

It was implied when this guy said that only the oppressed should be protected and some crimes should be excused that he considers hate speech more egregious than an "oppressed" person stealing from or assaulting a non oppressed person.

Hate speech is illegal in the United States.

First of all no it's not and second of all I wouldn't care if it was.

Misrepresenting everything you talk about is not debate

Practice what you preach.

Why should you be allowed to speak if you use that privilege to misrepresent the speech of other people?

If that's grounds to take away someone's right to speak then you would be stripped of it as well. Also viewing speech as a privilege is a weak and domesticated mentality, if you think it's acceptable or normal to let other people control what you can say then you are part of the reason fascists and tyrants exist, you pathetic docile sheep like creature.

JacqueFresco(10) Clarified
2 points

Yes Antifa stands for "antifascist" but they don't always fight fascism and in fact promote it in many cases. I am aware that there are different "sects" of antifa and that some are more reasonable than others. I would like to look at the info but unless there is a non-SJW pro free speech chapter that fights actual nazis and actual fascists rather than screaming at people on the street and assaulting them I don't think I will be joining any time soon.

2 points

Saying whatever you want all the time...............................

3 points

So if a minority attacks a straight white male that's okay but if a straight white male says something offensive that's not okay? Violence is okay but simply expressing views in a peaceful manner is not? You think the answer for oppressed minorities is to oppress the majority? You are a mental nut case.

2 points

I agree with pretty much all of that, except...

the most reliable test for intelligence is happiness and satisfaction with life.

Intelligent people can be very miserable, because they are capable of recognizing all the problems in the world and knowing how much better things could be. When you are highly intelligent and living in a substandard condition you will be more dissatisfied than a less intelligent person in the same condition.It's similar to living in a pen with a bunch of fat happy cows who don't know they are trapped and about to be murdered and eaten but you are the only cow who can tell that their is a fence blocking you from experiencing the outside world and that the humans only want to eat you and eat your children.

I haven't encountered a real nazi on this entire site.

You people think that disliking a religion is racist and that all nationalists are white nationalists.

3 points

Mindless robotic chanting doesn't do any good.

Throwing piss and stink bombs at people does not do any good.

Calling everyone who isn't far left a nazi doesn't do any good.

Dressing in all black and rioting doesn't do any good.

Whining about SJW crap while ignoring the real problems like Monsantos and the federal reserve doesn't do any good.

Saying you're anti fascist while promoting fascist ideas doesn't do any good.

2 points

I can shove a banana up a woman's ass or a man's ass, either way they won't like it....most of the time that is.

Displaying 5 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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