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Reward Points:2
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1 point

Capitalism kills, and i’m not even exaggerating. Everyone always attacks Communism with a lazy little statement that usually goes like “Oh MaH gAwD cOmMuNiSm KiLlEd LiKe 1o0,o0o,0o0 (one hundred million) PeOpLe” but that statement has no legitimate facts to support it, and it simply isn’t true or accurate in any way. This is because Capitalism has in fact killed more than Communism has directly. Yes, the hundred million deaths that Communism had supposedly “caused” weren’t even directly caused by Communism, or even Communists. You see, Capitalism claims to be a pure government where everyone can fend for themselves and be a powerful person, but the truth is Capitalism is very flawed. Now I won’t lie, Communism isn’t perfect either, but is by far the lesser of two evils. Every government has its problems and rough patches, but Capitalism for the most part is just one big rough patch. It’s quite unfair and hypocritical to claim that Communism has killed one hundred million people, when Capitalism easily kills just as many about every 5 years or so since the 1990’s. Meaning that Capitalism kills about six times as many people than Communism did. And on top of that there are more people dying every year and we are sadly a part of that. Think about it, how many people kill themselves a year because they can’t pay their rent and have no other way out? Poverty is everywhere, there are people begging on the street while people pass them by everyday in their expensive cars.

Communism can easily solve the numerous problems that are associated with Capitalism. However, there are a few things that I must address about Communism that can be quite confusing to some people, typically normies. Communism. Is. Not. The. Same. As. Socialism. Though it is true that both Communism and Socialism are systems that break down the social classes and strive for the equality of all, there are some considerable differences between the two. In Socialism, the government is responsible for the production. With Communism on the other hand, the citizens and working class own everything and everyone works towards a common and equal goal. So this begs the question, “If everyone works for the same goal and gets the same things, then what happens if someone doesn’t work as hard? Do they still get the same incentive?” The answer is no, because as Karl Marx states in the 8th plank of his book “The Communist Manifesto”, “Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture.”, Meaning that if you do not work as hard as everyone else, you will not receive your share of income. Surprise, surprise, Communists aren’t evil. The Communist ideology consists of having the citizens working together to achieve a common goal, with everyone helping each other out equally, with no social classes, and no one being any better or any worse than the next person. With that being said, “Прощай мои товарищи”. (Goodbye, my comrades.)

1 point

Capitalism? More like Crapitalism, am I right, my comrades? I know, I know, in a Capitalistic society, Communists such as myself are shunned and frowned upon, but in reality it should be the Capitalists that are condemned by the Communists. I have many reasons to believe that Capitalism is wrong and i’m going to make sure you believe it too. Capitalism is not a very good idea. In fact, Capitalism is actually very moronic and nonsensical. Capitalism is about private property, profit, and competition. So basically what this government all cracks down to is money, money, money and greed. Think about it. The protection of private property is just “Oh this is mine, don’t touch it or I’ll sue you.” We are taught the phrase “Sharing is caring” as young children, but this simply isn’t sharing. This is greed. Profit is just using the money you currently have to try to make more money. The competition piece is just competing with your fellow human beings to be better than them, to be wealthier than them, to have a better life than them, to leave them in the dust. The Capitalist people are circumscribed by the undying lust for money, riches, and wealth, whether it be their own craving for luxury or someone else’s. Money is a sick thing that Capitalism practically worships and there are many problems that come of it. There are wars, gang fights, murders, robberies, and many more complications caused by the simple longing for more riches and fortune. Capitalism really only works for the people who are in the highest upper class, because they are the only ones who are really treated fairly. However, if you don’t happen to be one of the few lucky capitalist pigs, then you’re screwed. If you aren’t in that upper class, then you have to deal with struggling to pay your bills every month, struggling to live without being stressed all the time. The lower class and minorities can’t always control their oppression in a capitalistic society, which is why Communism on the other hand is a good alternative for everyone because all are treated equal, nothing more, nothing less.

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