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RSS Ken21allen

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

You say, "We". Are you implying that you are among the minority of women who can pull the same weight as a trained infantryman? If so, Kudos. But regardless, If this door gets cracked for small percentage of women, it might as well be flung wide open. Not to mention the POW Possibility...HMMM

1 point

I have heard the argument that we could make sterilization a prerequisite for female combat. OK, I think we are missing the point.

...."You don't scare me Mr. Al-Qaeda. I'm sterilized. Ravage me all you want. I can't get pregnant anyway!"....

No...I don't think thats the point. Across the board equality in the military in impractical. Period.

1 point

Lest say that I am a 5'4, 140 lb wrestler on a high school wrestling team. My wrestling coach is not being discriminatory by prohibiting me from fighting someone who is 6'4, 260 lbs. I said that to say this; I have no problem culturally with women having equal roles as men. But putting women into combat situations is irresponsible. Expecting a 5'4, 140 woman to pull the same weight as a company of 5'10 180 lb men is dangerous. Not to mention the POW possibility. hmmm.

1 point

The question is being asked wrong. The question that should be asked whether in India or America is, "Considering that I daily reject the obvious truth that is written on my heart, and burned into my conscience; considering that I willfully reject the truth that I am presented with, How can a God of JUSTICE NOT make me pay for my CRIME. To allow me to go free under those circumstances would make Him unjust, and therefore evil and anti-benevolent.

This issue is putting God on trial and not allowing Him to testify. And no, I don't expect to sway this debate. :)

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