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RSS Kevinstudent

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
Kevinstudent(10) Clarified
1 point

No I couldn't see the link on my phone sorry

I agree with what you are saying and shit like that should not be allowed

What's wrong with these debates? I don't understand why you're getting so upset over an argument I created about our shitty education system in America

The current state of America is increasingly progressing with greater economic gains an the unemployment rate SLOWLY decreasing. Obama's slogan for the 2012 campaign is "forward"(the one for 2008 was "change"). Obama's advocates and himself have been pushing these great achievements they have seemingly triumphed in the last 4 years when in reality we are just climbing out of the hole Barack Obama dug us in 2008 and the subsequent time he has been president. I acknowledge Obama does not, in any way, deserve all is blame. Part is attributed to bush and his decision to enter the war we are still not put of people! Over a decade! However, with all this happening, Obama did not have the resources to spend trillions and trillions of our money on programs that will see failure sooner than social security and many other "government programs".

Obama has dug us into more debt than every other American president combined. FACT.

Mitt Romney is not the warmest of people nor the smoothest, socially, to say the least. But what Romney has is real economic and business experience which is what America needs to get out of its slum. The media and liberals criticize Romney for his Swiss bank accounts and offshore banking ventures when in reality this is the type of person we need.m America needs to turn profit and that is exactly what will happen with mitt Romney. Although I see the treatment of dogs as a large deciding factor in the upcoming election, if elected, Mitt Romney will prove to be a better president than Obama will be in his second term.

Kevinstudent(10) Clarified
1 point

I may have mislead my argument by using aggressive instead of a supplement but I have mixed thoughts around this subject.m I wrote a paper freshmen year in highschool on the effects films have had on society and one of my stressed points was the violent aspects in films. You may or may no pt have heard of the shooting in coloroda during the new dark knight rises movie, but I agree with what some of what you have to say about the direct link of violent video games and violence in teens. What I do not recognize however, is that is the only Kik that exists between teens and violence

Violence is not a new habit or trend in society. It has existed for thousands of years and cannot be entirely responsible for teen violence. Video games may enhance or aggravate this act, but it is not responsible for violence

I strongly disagree with prostitution. This act not only degrades women but it shouldn't be allowed for one to sell their body for money.

However, does this also apply to selling a kidney or other body part. Surrogacy? Selling your eggs or sperm for money so that someone else can have a baby. In a sense, the surrogate mother is nothing more than a prostitute herself

I agree with your claim that the youth are r new adults but et are not adults yet. Voting at 16 years old will not affect them directly for the next four years when the turn 20 and it's time to vote again. Voting is a privilege that must be respected and understood. Most teenagers do not understand what they are voting for. When voting starts to directly affect an individual is in their early adulthood around the age after college when entering the workforce becomes a large part of life.

As a 16 year old junior in highschool I believe that youth should not be able to vote. Voting is an act of electing the leader of a new generation that will carry put that movements ideals and motivations. I believe the voting age should actually be extended until over 21 years of age. This accounts for maturity and growth in the minds of the people whose votes count the most. The new voters are the most important and the older the less important. Tragically, younger people vote less, statistically, and this only hurts them because they are the ones who will take over the country in the next decade or two.

This argument on science versus religion has not yet been adequately evaluated. Although science and religion clash in its various forms and stories (theories), science and religion can coexist and have done so for thousands of years. Sme of sciences greatest minds including Galileo and Copernicus were deeply religious people. I agree with one of galileos statements where he basically states that science is wonderful because it shows off gods greatest creations. I do believe in the bible and am Mormon Myself.

The welfare condition in the united states has done good in the past but it is becoming abused without active regulation in a number of areas.

For one, the increasing number of illegal immigrants puts our tax dollars in the pockets of ill-deserving people. I understand their argument for the American dream and escaping their lives of poverty but there is a right and a wrong way to do so. What most democrats who support welfare use as the base for their argument are the families and single mothers who need this to feed their children. This situation accounts for only a small portion of the welfare population, however. If the government was serious about welfare for the less fortunate, they would give out food stamps and not cold hard cash to be spent on whatever they please

Winning Position: American schools

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