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RSS Kunalthakur

Reward Points:7
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I believe that corporal punishment should be banned at home as well as in school because when parents use corporal punishment it is a bad influence to the child, and because the child got hit, the child may feel angry and insecure and put all their anger in to another child invading their privacy and logically constitutes a problem. Another reason why I think corporal punishment should be banned is because when the child gets hit they might get very violent and the parents can’t calm them down because they might not interact with each other. The child needs days to calm them down so the child might bully someone consistently.

According to Debate.Org “Spanking promotes violence. Adults shouldn't teach kids that violence is acceptable. Though discipline is necessary and essential spanking doesn't work.” When parents use corporal punishment to discipline their kids it shows them violence and kids at a certain age shouldn't know about violence because unlike other parents who resolves the problem on how to discipline their kids instead of using corporal punishment. But for the parents who use corporal punishment their child can affect other kids like bully them hit them and they would think it is okay when it isn't.

When adults use corporal punishment to discipline kids they can affect their behavior and their life for example they can make a child rebellious so much that they might not even go to school which is logically bad for a child.

1 point

Competition never kills creativity, but ‘Comparisions’ do…

Creativity allows you to make mistakes.

And trust me, mistakes leads to perfection.

Comparing yourselves with others is just not done to get the best out of you.

If we go through a person’s success story, doesn’t mean that the path which he has traced is the only certain path to get success !!

A famous saying goes like,

“Creativity requires the courage to let go off certainties”

-by Erich fromm

Dare to choose your own path to success; and shine as an example to this world.

That’s creatively competitive !!!

BeYou !!

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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