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RSS LaDocteur

Reward Points:7
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5 most recent arguments.
4 points

So tell me. How does not believing in God automatically mean that you are a blind follower of the government? I don't see where the fuck you are coming from. I consider myself separate from both of these entities. Frankly, I'm not sure how your brain could concoct something like this. It's a false dilemma; you're argument is WELL GOD OR GOVERNMENT PICK ONE AND ONE IS RIGHT BECAUSE THE OTHER ONE NEEDS TAXES. You're not good at this. In fact you're terrible. Go occupy your life with something else.

1 point

These people are morons who live in a dream world. The world has no real need of conspiracy theorists and "what-if"ers like these. And if they want to dream about space so bad, I say we put them to actual use and launch them into space, where their dreams will come true (if they survive) and we, normal humans, will achieve scientific progress.

Sincerely, proud Earthlings

0 points

No it would not make you a dictator. It would mean you want to be subjected to the rule of a dictator who oppresses you and denies you rights. Come on. Think through what you're saying.

1 point

Yeah. You know what we just shouldn't let black people vote. That sounds Constitutional.

1 point

But have you seen how many idiots are out there?

How the hell do you think Bush won his two terms? (besides corruption and voter suppression)? It can be attributed just as much to all the morons in the South and the upper class across the country who think their damn land and guns (or their huge fortunes) are more important than human rights.

And states rights? Please. Just accept that Jim Crow is dead. No, there is no hope of resegregating the south. Stop whining. You were defeated a hundred and fifty years ago. Deal with it and let better people make your governmental decisions for you.

So I would say, (to contradict the founding structure of the US- sorry but it's necessary) only people who are correct in their opinions should be able to vote. Also the UDHR was a utopian dream created in the middle of the Cold War when the world was trying desperate measures to battle the Soviets- it was never going to work and I'm surprised more people didn't predict that. In fact it was just as utopian and as impossible-to-make-work as communism itself.

Challenge me, if you dare.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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