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RSS LaffingAngel

Reward Points:5
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Same thing happened to me. I posted that the comment wasn't worthy of a rebuttle... then I was forced to write a rebuttle. Grrr....

1 point

Not worthy a rebuttle. The symbol brings back memories that many would rather forget. Having worked in the hospital for a few years I've had a couple patients that had the numbers tattooed on their arms. Perhaps you might find that an amusement too?

1 point

Kids are smarter than that. They get frustrated & report them. Instead of firing the teacher, they should be asked to tone it down, & stick to the subject. Even criminals get 3 strikes...& sometimes more. And where do you draw the line? A teacher in a RE class says, "Well, in my opinion, Jesus is the Messiah that was mentioned in Malachi because..." Should she/he be fired?

1 point

I live in Liberal California, where Christ is not welcome in the schools. You would not have gotten detention for making that statement in any of the schools I or my kids attended. The teacher would have switched gears & gotten to the point, which is what that one should have done.

1 point

What about the "theory" of evolution? It is taught as fact, even though it is still theory.

1 point

I have never had the privilege of being allowed to talk about Christ in a public school. I had to edit anything to do with faith on all of my papers. Answers to questions had to be materialistic & completely without Christ.

1 point

A teacher explains the History of Pontus Pilot, & asks the class, what do you think YOU would have done in this situation? Listens... Highlights on good answers or states his/her opinion. Anything wrong with that? Maybe a student states, "I don't believe any of that History is true". Teacher' "Okay, explain why you feel that way". Open discussions are to learn from. My History teacher actually allowed us to think for ourselves. He was a Liberal, raised as a Catholic. He explained Historical view points, & asked us based on this, what party would you be? He talked about Catholic school & funny incidents, which I found amusing. It helped us to think for ourselves instead of parroting our History books & forgetting what we learned once the test was taken. I remember what I learned from him.

1 point

Actually, when I had told my opinion in 7th grade, I had a teacher twist my arm behind my back (hard) & ask me if I really believed that. With pain in my skinny little arm I quickly said no. I have had many an Atheist teacher/professor state their opinions, I feel that Christians should have a right to express theirs too. Unfortunately they are not allowed that right.

2 points

When in jr high I drew a swastika on my notebook with the words' "Surf Rules". It was a surf brand. My mother, having served in WW2 as a WAC had seen human skin purses & lamp shades & the horror that it represents, got really angry & explained what it was about. This is what it represents... innocent people dying the most horrific deaths, people even being accused of being Jewish or helping a friend that was Jewish were murdered & raped in these camps, painful experiments resulting in death of women & unborn twins & children. It isn't a laughing matter the torture that these people have been through because of Hitler & his comrades.

2 points

Stating opinions should be encouraged. It allows the kids to listen & form their own opinions based on all of the collected facts. It shouldn't be presented as fact unless it is a fact, such as History. You present the facts. State your opinion on the facts & ask the class to voice their opinions in an open arena without fear of being down graded for their opinion. It is one of those areas of caution however, but America is still a freedom of speech country. Let's keep it that way.

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