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RSS Liyana

Reward Points:2
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1 point

Granz , in NS , fitness training are more intensive and disciplined . If you say that we can still be fit without NS, people will tend to be less disciplined . In NS , no one can escape from doing all the fitness activities hence , without realizing , they become fitter .

For Moral Values , you said that it can be learnt in school and even parents can teach us that . However , if you think about it , without exercising those values it will never be learnt . In school , it is not as strict as NS . There are still many students who did not exercise the moral values . For parents , in this current era , many children just tend not to listen to their parents . Its as though everything that are being said will be 'thrown away' . However , as for NS , people in there will not have a chance to really against the officers or they'll face major punishments .

For new Experience , you said that it may not apply to current 21st century and it depends on our future occupation . When you say this , it comes back to the two words , which is ' New Experience' . Would'nt you want a new experience hence expand your knowledge ? Or would you just want to focus on what you intend to do in the future and not trying and learning new stuffs ? I guess you would want to expand try out something new right ..

1 point

I, had once asked myself the same question although i am a girl . However , when I come to think about it in depth, I finally had an answer .

"If you who are growing up do not understand that you have to got to defend this , then I say in the end we will lose ." This was once said by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew in 1967 . So , what should we understand ? Do you know that National Service are the only solution to the problem when Singapore's security and survival as a nation was left hanged when British decided to withdraw the forces from Singapore ? This made male Singaporeans back then agreed to attend NS . The main objective of having NS is to train Singaporeans to become loyal,

have a vigilant and readiness to protect the things they cherish . By attending National Service , one , will learn to be self discipline in whatever he do . It is also for the benefit of themselves . When they are going out to work one fine day , discipline ,responsibility and commitment are the essential things that employers look out for . I am sure all of you would agree that employers would not want to have workers which likes to slack hence causes problems after problems in the firm right ? Besides that , when male Singaporeans are to attend NS , they will have a sense of urgency in whatever they do . They will also learn to appreciate the things they have and not to be complacent . The tough training and harsh life in National Service will become an eye-opener for all of them . Without them knowing , NS has shaped them to be a better nation . Apart from all that can be gained and what can benefit us by attending National Service , we should not forgot that Singapore is our homeland . This is where we belong !So why is there a need for male Singaporeans nowadays to keep complaining about NS ? They should be proud to say to people that they are physically strong than women and they can face all the obstacles that they are going to face in National Service without much difficulties .However they should remember that everything they do in NS is also for the benefit for Singapore and Singaporeans are depending on them for security . Why should we rely on others if we can somehow protect ourselves ? What would happen if National Service does not exist and we have to rely 100% on other countries ? What if one day , a conflict would happen between Singapore and the other countries ? Think about it and you will end up agreeing that National Service should be mandatory for all male Singaporeans , like me .

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