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RSS Lovelife

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2 points

Freedom to live life as you desire is the BIRTHRIGHT of every one of us without exception. But when we start valuing money, to buy even basic needs like food, clothing and shelter life becomes a struggle for survival. You were never supposed to be a victim of life.But we ourselves have created the rat race, all are competing to earn maximum profits. I tell you, money will never be able to fulfill all your desires. Fulfillment of one wlll lead to desire of fulfillment of next. We are spiritual beings and can't be satisfied with material happiness.

True happiness and satisfaction has always been within... But if you run like mad throughout your life, not taking time to find what's going on in your life, how will you become aware of this fact?

Why is it that someone is rich and someone poor? The rich have been collecting wealth for a long time.How? By increasing the margins of cost price and selling price. For example, cost price may be 10 but it may be sold for 100, to someone with limited knowledge. Do you realize how many people with little knowledge are fooled by such selfish frauds? The poor haven't been given the opportunity to do so. Inquality prevails, although everyone is equal.

All crimes such as stealing and murder are mostly done for money. Why? Because people are in this illusion that money is power and that money is required for survival. But it's not power. Money is nothing more than a number to which we put so much value. Nothing more than a system of exchange. And why do we need something in return? Oh yes, we are NOT so generous.

If you really want to experience more in life, do something that you love to do; that you have passion for. Think about how you are contributing to the development of society positively. Think about your part and how you are an integral part of this world. The same holds true for everyone else and so, respect EVERYONE equally...

All the goods that you are getting, can you modify it to suit your needs? For example, can you make a computer which can interact with you with voice? No, until you have the knowledge. You would depend on experts. Have you ever thought why they charge so much? If you have tried fixing issues yourself, you will know that the 'FIX" was not difficult, but because of lack of knowledge you can't do it. And where do these so-called experts get their knowledge from? It has been handed down from history.

I ask you, did Newton charge money for publishing his findings? No, instead he had to pay the publisher. Instead of preserving that knowledge and providing it to others who are interested in finding more, it has been put a value: 3.7m dollars! What if some person could well understand the stuff and contribute to our knowledge? Total waste of knowledge! Knowledge does nothing useful until it is shared with people.

People pay for knowledge. What if someone poor could in fact understand what Newton conveyed better and come up with a better idea? But he can't buy the book, what's the use?

There have been made so many copies of good knowledge. For example, how many books will you find that all talk about machines? Of electricity? Of Arts? So many! Yet, true knowledge was only from one source.

Everything that you have is in some way or the other provided by nature. Do you care about nature? If not, you will soon find that money cannot be eaten. Fruits are exchanged for money, but does that money go to nature?

"Only when the last tree has been cut,

Only when the last river has been poisoned,

Only when the last fish has been caught,

Only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten!"

And yet in our pursuit of money, we have created competition. Why is there more that one company manufacturing steel? Competition. As long as we continue this competition, ignoring nature we will soon find out its effects.

Supporting Evidence: What is life, really? (
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