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RSS LukeStephany

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.

I disagree with china having a spoor military. although they have more man power the U.S. has far Superior weapons and technology along with Moody armor and vehicles.

I agree with the solders getting more supply's because the U.S. spends around 10 times more on one solder then china does which makes our troops able do better with all of the needed supply's.

The U.S. will be the superpower of the 21st century for a few reasons. This will be because the U.S. has a way bigger GDP than China and if we keep up the exporting and cut back on imports a little bit they will put their GDP's up. However China has one of the if not the biggest exporting products in the world which is putting China's economy Also the military's of both countries, no other country has near the technology or spending budget the U.S. has on its military. In comparison to China's military china spend $144.2 million on its military to the U.S's $611 billion on its military. How ever china does have a much larger population that has people fit for service. Also the U.S. has one of the best and fairest governments in the world with democracy and Republican being the two . This will keep their people loyal and in support of the government along with the military and people being inspired for helping the country. Unlike china who's majority of its population dislike or are scared of the government. For those reasons I believe the United States will remain the superpower of the world until the 21st century.

I agree that it would have taken longer for them to surrender or they wouldn't have surrender. Also the U.S. would have lost more lives.

They would not have surrendered ot taken longer to surrender which would cause America to lose more lives.

0 points

The U.S. was right was for bombing Nagasaki and Hiroshima for a few different reasons. One reason is the U.S. would lose more lives due to Japan not surrendering. Another reason is that japan would have fought to their death because according to they would have tried to get to washington because dieing in war in Japan is honarable. For those reasons the U.S. was right for using atmoic bombs agenst Japan.

I agree that he should not be concerned and that we should not be concerned about them.

They are also improving their nuclear program which could eventually hit the U.S.

The U.S. should be concerned about North Korea and its rockets for different reasons. One reason is that they could improve their range and could potentially hit the U.S. Also they are threatening their allies.

2 points

They should keep the veto for a few reasons. One reason is that according to it is crutial so dictatorship doesn't happen. Also people believe that we need bigger countries to lead the world and this is a tool that big world leaders should have., and

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