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RSS Lumiere

Reward Points:2
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1 point

As we see that things are dependent on the condition of continual change, we see that there is a permanent state of impermanence, an appearance of the process of arising and cessation, emergence and decay, cause and result of composite phenomena. Things do not come from somewhere and they do not go anywhere, in this way there is no first cause or final result. Just the appearance of things in a moment of time when we observe it and designate a definition to it, but in fact all experience is a continuum of changing moments of dependently appearing phenomena. If the chicken came first, it would have arisen without the cause of egg and therefore would have to have arisen without a cause at all and be independent phenomena that would always have existed. This is the same with the egg; it would not have had the cause of chicken to have arisen from and so would have to have been ever present and unchanging as the egg. If they arose simultaneously, they would not have time to be each other’s cause and result. They would exist independently with no causal relationship. Therefore we can say that the condition of the appearance of chicken and egg, as well as the concept of linear classification or time, is merely a snapshot of a moment of observation of a continually changing set of conditions or happenings that only appears as one thing, but actually has no core continuous substance to it. We confuse individual entities in a continuum for one thing. Therefore no real moment of chicken and no real moment of egg in order to assert which came first, neither came first. In fact the chicken, as well as the egg is a collection. Where is the chicken to point to as a cause? It is only a collection of its many parts that make the appearance of its physical body, and it is dependent on our perception of it to appear. Therefore no real chicken exists, only the appearance of the composite phenomena that make up what we can refer to as chicken. It is the same for egg, and every other phenomenon that appears. Their true nature is appearance –emptiness inseparable and transcends conceptual fabrications

1 point

As we see that things are dependent on the condition of continual change, we see that there is a permanent state of impermanence, an appearance of the process of arising and cessation, emergence and decay, cause and result of composite phenomena. Things do not come from somewhere and they do not go anywhere, in this way there is no first cause or final result. Just the appearance of things in a moment of time when we observe it and designate a definition to it, but in fact all experience is a continuum of changing moments of dependently appearing phenomena. If the chicken came first, it would have arisen without the cause of egg and therefore would have to have arisen without a cause at all and be independent phenomena that would always have existed. This is the same with the egg; it would not have had the cause of chicken to have arisen from and so would have to have been ever present and unchanging as the egg. If they arose simultaneously, they would not have time to be each other’s cause and result. They would exist independently with no causal relationship. Therefore we can say that the condition of the appearance of chicken and egg, as well as the concept of linear classification or time, is merely a snapshot of a moment of observation of a continually changing set of conditions or happenings that only appears as one thing, but actually has no core continuous substance to it. We confuse individual entities in a continuum for one thing. Therefore no real moment of chicken and no real moment of egg in order to assert which came first, neither came first. In fact the chicken, as well as the egg is a collection. Where is the chicken to point to as a cause? It is only a collection of its many parts that make the appearance of its physical body, and it is dependent on our perception of it to appear. Therefore no real chicken exists, only the appearance of the composite phenomena that make up what we can refer to as chicken. It is the same for egg, and every other phenomenon that appears. Their true nature is appearance –emptiness inseparable and transcends conceptual fabrications

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