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Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

It is classified as open in my opinion, if something can get into it then it is open but if was closed then nothing would be able to get in to it. So yes in my opinion even if a window is OPEN just the tiniest bit then it is classified as open

1 point

I totally agree with you but I would like to add that Jehovah made them the head for the family household and that women should respect them, but the same goes for men they should respect us! They might be the head but we are they neck that keeps the head on top.

1 point

thank you, but the one thing that gets to me is that men think that they are so good that they can treat women like garbage WHICH DRIVES ME CRAZY! women can do mostly anything that men can do!

1 point

Women are sometimes stronger then men they have to give birth and carry around a baby for 9 months which kills cause they feel like a whale. Just because men can get punched but get up and keep going is because they were made to work and be tougher than women thats why they made it a law that if you hit a women you'll get in BIG trouble. Debate all you like but it will just go back and forth that men are stronger or smarter. In my opinion men are no higher than women and women are no higher than men we are at the same level.

1 point

And if he did stand his ground he would of gotten killed anyway so no matter what his life was going to end badly!

1 point

I thought Hitler killed himself because he lost the war and most people were going to kill him anyway. So it just shows that Hitler was a chicken and that when he lost he didn't keep his ground he ran away like a little baby!

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