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RSS MasterCalvin

Reward Points:10
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7 most recent arguments.

Some people have done despicable things. It is better to remove them. I think the death penalty should be a last resort... For people that have killed many or sexually assaulted people in brutal ways...

My only misgivings are about the person that administers the death penalty. That person that has to give the injection, tie the noose. Regardless of how bad that person was, they still have that blood on their hands.

Yes, they should make software free or cheaper somehow. The prices are unfair. Everyone should have access to these programs somehow.

2 points

Often times to me, at least, the conservative ones. You aren't open to change. The Bible isn't law I'm sorry. You can't flaunt your Bible verses and treat them as fact. Your religion is no more right than any other religion that exists.

Catholicism was the first and only Christian religion for the first 1000 years of Christianity existing. Every Christian religion that exists today branched off from Catholicism.

Also note that most Christians that don't believe Catholicism isn't a Christian religion have misconceptions about the Catholic truth.

2 points

Again I find the same person being biased and overall being rather disrespectful. No one appreciates your behavior o;

6 points

This is terribly biased :o As a fellow debater earlier replied to this message, your logic is flawed in so many ways. The Bible condemns a lot of things, some of which aren't actually wrong... I am not an atheist, but a catholic... but even a person from the same side as you can tell that your arguments are daily weak D;

5 points

Let's face it... is homosexuality really wrong? I for one, am straight, but i respect gays and lesbians and trangenders. I may find it a bit odd, but it isn't my place to say what they are doing is wrong. This question is almost like "Is being black wrong?" A black person might make a white person uncomfortable for some reason (not me, i completely have no problem with any nationality) but that doesn't mean a black person is wrong. People don't always choose who they are. You need to respect that, and you need to respect THEM. A human can choose to feel however they want to as long as it doesn't hurt others. Like i saw in previous posts, homosexuality is actually natural, as a number of animals actually practice it. And guess what? Humans are animals... People need to set aside biased religious views and accept things how they are sometimes.

Now argue away, but i think me and the other 150+ people that argued For homosexuality are correct. Not to say the people that are against are wrong, you just had some flawed views ;)

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"A happy person that enjoys sharing an opinion"

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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