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RSS MikeyRichard

Reward Points:17
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10 most recent arguments.
-1 points

This debate as a whole is illogical.

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes,

well like i said i dont agree with you and i am glad you dont decide.

2 points

Anyone would say they don't deserve it moron! Well in my personal opinion he did deserve it. Anyway it isn't up to you, and im glad :)

4 points

Seriously, i cant believe that you would even post a question like this.

This question is seriously an insult to America. You need to go sit somewhere by yourself and read a history book about Stalin or Hitler, and think about what you just asked. Your completely ignorant just like Fox News and Glenn Beck.

I've been watching Fox News a lot lately (Glen Beck's my hero!)

This is explains it all.

It is acceptable because we have free speech. But it isn't acceptable to bash and hate on someone, because of their race.(and yes most of these people do it because of race) People that act like this, are purely ignorant, and there will always be ignorant people in this country, and the world for that matter.

I myself am 16 and i know that we need our breaks. School is overwhelming as it is, i look forward to my breaks and use them for much needed rest. We HAVE tried year around school, it didn't work out. It was pulled from the system. I went to a year around school for about two years and it was pure hell. I hated being there all year. It was school school school, all the time.

You have to understand, Kinda, well he is kind of mental.

He thinks really wierd things ;)

3 points

He is a very modest man, if i won the Nobel Prize i'd probably be pretty modest also.

I think this is human(refer to link), if anyone isn't a human, it's you.

I mean I completely understand that abortion is a last resort at sometimes,

but seriously, just because you don't want a baby?

That is completely RIDICULOUS.

Supporting Evidence: (
2 points

Dang, i love you joe! your so amazing, i am super glad i am allies with you!

I personally believe that the father should have just as much say in the matter as the mom. It takes two people to make a baby, it should take two to decide on an abortion. I agree that if the father wants to take full responsibility for the baby then it should be perfectly fine, what's the harm in that? Seriously guys, just because the embryo is not "born" yet does not mean that it is not a human being. If you ever see pictures from abortions, you will know what i mean. It is a horrible and very disturbing site.

About Me

"My name is Michael Williams. I am 16 years old and live in the great state of Georgia. I am gay, and i always have been. I just enjoy debating and discussing politics and religion. I won't get mad if you don't agree with me, but just a forewarning i am a huge smart ass! :)"

Biographical Information
Name: Michael Williams
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Postal Code: 30217
Religion: Christian-other
Education: High School
Websites: Myspace.
Via IM: im[email protected]

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