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RSS Monaclu

Reward Points:8
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

How do you think they enforce the minimum wage? A nice suggestion? No, cops with guns. All laws are enforced by cops with guns.

Monaclu(8) Clarified
0 points

I'm not sure I understand what you're implying, but the idea is that the free market is what should dictate wages, not a 9mm held by a cop.

0 points

"You realise employers would start paying people 99p an hour, right?"

No, they wouldn't, because who would want to work for that? That would happen only in the alternate reality in which there is one single shop that you can work at. In reality, there's multiple businesses competing for workers. If a business offers 99 cents an hour, another business will try to steal its workers by offering $2 an hour. This will continue until the businesses are paying the max amount they can for that specific occupation.

"It's more immoral to be paying hard workers a minuscule amount of money. How is treating the workforce fairly immoral in any way?"

Yes, you should pay your workers what they are worth. If they are worth $12 an hour, you should pay them that. If they're worth $2 an hour, you should pay them that. People are not owed anything. You do not deserve a set amount of money per hour. Want to make a living wage? Earn your employer a profit so he can pay you more. This wraps back around to the idea that there's only one employer who is keeping people poor because he hates the lower class. It's illogical to believe that without a minimum wage, all employers are going to suddenly start paying their workers 12 cents an hour.

"In England we have a living wage which essentially means a minimum wage adjusted to the amount of money people need to live. Currently it's £6.70 an hour, which is about $8, and no one's losing jobs or having their business go under because of it. That's absolutely ludicrous."

So you're saying that after employers were forced at gun point to pay people more, nobody got their hours cut at all? Nowhere? How is it ludicrous to believe that when you have to pay people more for labor, you decrease labor? That's logic.

"Repost your argument when your boss starts paying you 50 cents an hour, and see if you still agree with abolishing the minimum wage."

He won't, I'd quit and he needs me. I get paid above minimum wage as of now, why doesn't he just put me down to minimum wage right now?

1 point

Easy. None. Nobody will be paid 99 cents an hour without a minimum wage, because nobody would be willing to work for that. When you have nobody that wants to work for you under 99 cents, you have to raise your offer. The free market will get it up where it's supposed to be.

2 points

I believe that the Minimum Wage should be abolished completely.

It is immoral, and kills jobs.

It's immoral in the sense that the government has absolutely no right to tell me what amount of money I have to make per hour. If I want to work for $5 an hour, why can't I? The idea that if I accept 1 penny less than the minimum wage, the government will send people into my employers home who have guns and take him away, all in front of his kids? That's disgusting. How much I get paid is between me and what I negotion

Also, when you force employers to pay their workers more, they stop hiring workers, fire workers, or cut hours. Let's say you have 3 workers at a shop, and you pay all of them 5 dollars an hour. The government says "No, you have to pay them $10 an hour, or you'll be thrown in jail." So, you now have to fire one, and cut ones hours to even it out again. Then, your business goes under because you don't have enough workers. The idea that the minimum wage somehow creates jobs, is ludicrous.

1 point

None of these classes should be protected. If a neo-nazi baker wants to refuse to bake a cake for a black person, it should be legal. Also, we should boycott their business and make sure they fail. The government has no business in my personal business. To suggest that the government somehow has the right to force you to do something you don't want to do, is insane.

Let's say I am a baker. Let's say I'm also Christian. A gay couple comes in and asks me to cater their gay wedding. I say "Oh, I'm really sorry, but I don't feel comfortable doing that. I can however give you a list of some other bakeries that would do it for you." Does the government then have a right to send men with guns into my home and put me in cuffs in front of my kids?

Winning Position: Should we lower, raise, or destroy the minimum wage?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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