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RSS Nathanduclos

Reward Points:43
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Technically only to die a few days later. . . and he was one of the immortal mages and two he couldnt remember, 1 who was a dope head and the other who was evil in the end. . . its easy to be awesome when your the only one who is a spell caster. . .

I would assume you read it but apparently you didnt.

Three-quarters of Republicans said they think the U.S. has liberty and justice for all, 76 percent, while fewer than one-third of Democrats — 30 percent — said they believe that statement to be true.

Of those who said they have no party affiliation, 46 percent said they think the U.S. has liberty and justice for all.




Three-quarters of Republicans said they think the U.S. has liberty and justice for all, 76 percent, while fewer than one-third of Democrats — 30 percent — said they believe that statement to be true.

Of those who said they have no party affiliation, 46 percent said they think the U.S. has liberty and justice for all.

At no time in the article did they say they dont think "liberty and justice" is an american ideal. . . it says they are commenting on the state of what something actually is. . .


You cant be that dumb to see the difference, but just in case.

I believe in justice.

Due to variety of reasons some victumns never get justice.

or even more simple . . . .

I believe in justice for women who are sexually assaulted.

Due to a variety of reasons some victumns of sexual assault never get Justice.

Do you see the difference? My kid understands the concept, you can believe in fairness for society but not have a fair society.

You cant be this silly. . you took

X does not believe America is Y


X does not believe in Y

If your so biased and bigoted that you cant see your own failures to be honest, im not surprised that the world is laughing at America.

My saying athiest, you dismiss the argument by dismissing the person who makes the claim. That is neither fair honest or rational the argument stand regardless of who makes the argument. True is true regardless of who says it.

Depending upon what is said.

Darwin apparently was non-religious. . However he was reported to repent on his deathbed. However the people that claimed this were religious. These are some explanations that can cast doubt on the story.

1) darwins wife lied.

2) the priest lied.

3) other people made up to the story

4) its an urban myth that has nothing to do with what was said

5) i just made up the whole thing.

as for wikipedia, I would point t the Steven colbier (sp) and the bit on animals when he told people to re-write the article.

My herto sexual debate-mate. Thank you for providing popcorn material for me and my friends at the local bar. So i thought i would try a different tract.

P1 - The site bigots will once again spend their insecure lives tryng to disprove God and worrying over what other's believe.

p.1 - I think you have alot of doubt about "your god" which is why you can not define him or offer to demonstrate him beyond ranting. Often when people are insecure or confused they will "double down" on an issue recitign threats, cajolin and ranting rather then defend or debate the actual issue. And since alot of your rants seem homosexual in nature. I feel your revulsion is an actual projection of your own sexual insecurities. AFter spending alot of time helping people with problems I am here for you, becasue nothign worse then self hatred, except bad fasion sense. And I have provided links for demon-stration. :)

. projection


p1.2 - Since people act on belief's are your beliefs are harmful to me, and society and unhealthy why wouldnt i be worried.


P2 - Ask yourself why these bigots worry so about what Christians believe. I don't spend one second worring about what other religions believe.


P2.1 - Uh.. . I think all unfounded belief systems are bad.

p2.2 - Your assuming that everyone is picking on you, while i am sure you have harboured unwelcome feeling of a masucline nature from others. I think secretly you desire the agressive behavior. Many gay (and some straight) men like the attention of getting picked on, though its unhealhty. Your better then what you think, you desrve a better more welcoming world then the one you have created and believe in you head.


p3 - There is only one reason why they worry so much over what you believe.


p3.1 - Because what you believe and how you act affects those around you?


p4 - They feel the guilt inside.


p4.1 - No. Pretty sure im guilt free on the religous front. Is actaully p3.1. THough when i swear i tend to use religious terms.


p5. - Their conscience bothers them when they choose to live irresponsible lives. Christians shine a light on their lifestyles. Christians show that we are not bound by our selfish natures.


p5. - Again that projection thing going on. Christians shine a light on my lifestyle because im better then the book that christian look to. Ill use one example.


God molested mary to give birth to jesus. He didn't ask permision, she didn't consent. God is moral monster.

I dont molest women, Im more moral then god.


p6 - We all have a choice what we do in life. Bigots want to live any way they choose without people speaking out on all the problems created by irresponsble lifestyles.


p6.1 - IM not sure, apparently our brains make choices and we rationalize them. However that is science which requires evidence, clear terms and demonstrations. All things you fail to provide or believe in. But i have hope. Individulas i find that are like you tend to come out later in life, for science.

p6.2 - are you not being a bigot by generalization wihtout foundation of evidence or proof. . . . .

I feel for you brother. We all (no pun intended) have crosses to bear.

Totally. However for them to integrate they need a workable support system from the individuals within the country if refugee's. . . If they are just immigrant, they tend to do fine and 2nd generation tend to do better then people in the original culture.

oh dear god. . .seriously. . . my heterosexual life mate debtor. .

Your not being honest. I asked you to define your god in a rational way and demonstrate it. The fact that you refuse and choose not to, leads me to believe you have no god (besides allah) and you have no means to demonstrate him, or your so insecure in your ability to defend him that your scared to


Why don't you just admit that you do not know or understand God, instead of pretending that you do not have the brains to understand that only God can be God?

I dont not know which go you speak of, so is it thor, zues, the god of the bible who sexually molested a girl to make up a loop hole in a rule he made even though hes all seeing. So

Can you define your god in a rational way? and if you do so, can you then domonstrate that he exists. Cuase if not, your failing god and this claim.

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