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RSS RamyaD

Reward Points:20
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10 most recent arguments.
3 points

all are just tricks. some are simple, others are complex enough to understand. that's it

2 points

Governments are groups of individuals. So the thoughts are more effective than a single individual thoughts. Just clarifying.

0 points

Not only in history but also till today and in the future also.

0 points

can you just elaborate yourself? I actually didn't get you.

1 point

Absolutely not. It totally depends on the person. There are ferocious persons in any religion or in any atheist community. Its just our belief that O My God he is disregarding our religion or so.

1 point

Chewing Nicotine gum increases your chances of getting heart disease. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor; it constricts arteries, which increases the resistance against which the heart has to pump blood, effectively making it harder for the heart to pump blood through the body. The result is enhanced sheer stress on vessel walls, and repeated nicotine exposure contributes to accelerated health problems that are a function of chronic vascular injury such as coronary artery disease, acute cardiac ischemic events, and hypertension. Additionally, studies have shown that nicotine exposure contributes to stroke, peptic ulcer disease, and esophageal reflux. Further, nicotine may cause wounds to heal more slowly and may be associated with reproductive toxicity. Moreover, nicotine can cause the body to release its stores of fat and cholesterol into the blood.

1 point

As long as it is used in a safer way, it wouldn't. But in today's world the rate of using it for unwanted purpose balances with the useful purposes. So in future it can overtake and ultimately lead to destruction in a large scale.

2 points

I think that even before humans lived there were natural disasters and who would have probabaly put evil and sin into this world and caused it to happen. The natural disasters are a result of the movement of earth and the processes taking place under the crust. Of some are totally due to global warming and consequences of our exploitation.

2 points

Science does not refute God. It just refutes the dreadening customs and superstitions.

0 points

Oh its soooooooooooooooooooo disastrous.I kind of hate animals. I mean not like hating but I just don't naturally like them.

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