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RSS Raw2

Reward Points:5
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

That's a great story...... I agree with you 100 percent!Amen!

1 point

No it doesn't. The government shouldnt have any control over the church

1 point

Ok think about if people believed just the opposite that you do, what would you do then? Also by the second paragraph you have absolutely no clue whatsoever about religion

1 point

Schools should be allowed to lead prayer if they want to. If you kick god out of schools, you are kicking God out of this country, and eventually you kick God out of this world. And if that happens well you better be expecting the worst, most horrible times that have ever occurred in the history of the earth. Kick God out of your life- well good luck!!!

1 point

As the government of the united states of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion....

Christian principles and Christian religion are 2 totally different things. Religion is a set of beliefs that a person believes in. A principle is A set of rules that someone follows. Christian principles are kind of like good moral principles. For example: don't steal, don't lie, don't covet, don't murder, don't commit adultery, honor your father and mother... now obviously there are more complicated principles than these that our founding fathers Put in place or followed but it wasn't a religion in any way. Plus back the most people were Christian and if they weren't they still believed that there was some sort of god.

Whether are forefathers were Christian or not

Deism: the belief that GOD created the world and then just stepped back and let it function on its own. So you see they still believed in God.

Unitarian: the belief in god as one but not 3. So you see they also believed in God but they just had a diferent view about him. Plus look at all the quotes that see men wrote. 90 percent of them were talking about God and Christianity.

Bloodshed in eourope

Ya blood was shed for 1000 years but for what cause. For Christianity, for religious freedom. In our pledge of allegiance it says "one nation under God" does it say under Buddha or muhamid? NO it says under GOD.

As far as praying goes, no that hasn't always been the case. I have heard of many people who have gotten in trouble for talking about God or praying to God and that I think is rediculous. Also teachers aren't aloud to read their bible at school either. This country is starting to become one nation with no God. You leave God out of schools, you leave God out of this nation.

1 point

You are taking that verse and trying to make it mean something else. What Jesus was trying to teach us hear is that where we pray or how long we pray doesn't matter. What matters is that we are truly worshiping Him. Now as for the people who pray at school, They aren't breaking Jesus' command. In fact Jesus NEVER commands his disciples to pray in private. All He was saying was that people need to be praying for the right reasons. No Christian should go out in front of people and pray just to look good. But if they do pray out loud in public they need to be sincere about it; they need to be praying for a reason. All this to say that you need to study your Bible and understand it before you make false observations about it. Also if you know your history, you would see that this country was founded on Christian principles. Some people say that our forefathers wern't Christians but that is one of the most rediculous things I have ever heard. And although they were strong Christians and had every right to make this nation strictly Christian (which it should be), they decided to give people freedom of religion. So those kids have every right to pray in school even if they aren't Christians (Though they will eventually be judged by God).

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