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RSS RndomDood

Reward Points:7
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Murder is done even though it is illegal. Does that mean it should be leagalised because some of it is going to be happening anyway?

1 point

Why not both? I see no reason for one to contradict the other.

0 points

That awkward moment when your sarcasm is so advanced that uninformed people agree with you.

1 point

I do beg your pardon. I had believed you said:

"Why not put females and males through the same exercises so that genes are altered, thus bringing the next genderations closer to being physiologically equal?"

I am terribly sorry for the misunderstanding.

1 point

So your argument can be summed up as follows: Because the average kid is spoiled , most kids are not spoiled. This is utterly illogical.

0 points

I think all of the heterosexuals should be forced to live isolated from everyone else. No communication or contact whatsoever with any other groups. All problems about this type of thing will resolve themselves in less than a century.

2 points

What mortals can truly enjoy the earth besides humans? There is little point for it without people to appreciate it.

RndomDood(7) Clarified
1 point

Indeed. To clarify: The Church is his bride. Also: It seems silly to me to have a minimum argument length.

0 points

How would this be accomplished? Would women sacrifice some of the organs that make them unique for a bit more space for the muscle that they would use to play American football? Do you realize that both men and women have been doing manual labor for millennia? Yet men are still generally stronger and women more flexible. If the genes did magically alter because a few girls started wrestling instead of playing volleyball, and some men started participating in professional netball, resulting in the differences between the sexes disappearing, we had better learn how to reproduce asexually.

RndomDood(7) Clarified
1 point

Indeed not. A balrog is much more fearsome and deadly than anything in the harry potter universe, though gandalf made it appear that that is not true. It wiped out an entire dawrf city. Another point: Bumbledore died- and stayed dead- facing his enemies.

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