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RSS SaMuEl_LE101

Reward Points:0
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Trump is obviously the better candidate due to the fact that he has more qualification in the field of economics and business. This is seen through Trump's many successful business ventures such as the Trump Casino. Trump has established a fortune due to his entrepreneurial skills. Hillary on the other hand has a very "impressive" resume such as Benghazi and Whitewater. She also accepts money from anti-LGBT nations such as Saudi Arabia through her Clinton Foundation (also another scandal) where her hypocrisy lies within her political stance where she claims to be pro-LGBT. Contrary to popular belief, Trump has repeatedly stood for the minority groups like the Latinos and African-Americans. He has proven that he has upheld American values such as Capitalism and freedom of expression and the right to bear arms. He has ensured the American people that he will combat the problems such as illegal immigration and terrorism.

By: Lokesh 21, Sam 23, Seb 26, Jon 29

2 points

Boys and girls have different likes and dislikes and it is harder for schools to accommodate both genders and their needs. Therefore, the learning environment may be not suitable for each gender.

Also, gender bias will be avoided. Teachers will not be impartial toward a student based on their gender.

Students would not be distracted by the opposite gender while in school, providing a more conducive learning environment

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