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RSS SbyRazor

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0 points

Your statement "Once we get to the point of entering the 22. century, religion must already be dead and gone." is merely an assumption and it does not give a reason why Christianity should not be taught. Please elaborate more on why you think it is pointless, and provide evidence. Your statement "All religion is only of use for those who do not care about (the future of) humanity or are simply ignorant or stupid" is biased and does not contain any evidence.

Christianity teaches morality, boosts confidence and improves mentality. This is to prove that Christianity has benefits and is not useless. In Christianity, Jesus is portrayed as a Personal God (check link for definition). For instance, praying to God before having an important task to do will create a feeling that God is helping the prayer. This will increase the confidence of that person.

Supporting Evidence: Personal God (
1 point

It is impossible to prove both the Christianity and the law of science . One is not capable of proving the existence of heaven or hell, and one is not capable of proving the existence of entity, the logical reason on why evolution, and the outer space, what is infinity? how does energy exist, not how it is formed.

This argument is not about proving which side is true, it is about why Christianity should be taught. Christianity does not need to be proven, we are merely discussing the negative and positive effects of Christianity. What one believes is purely voluntary and i believe that most religion teaches good things.

Every good religion teaches morality, and Christianity is one of them. Christianity also mentioned the existence of Lord Jesus Christ, which is a "Personal God" (See link for the definition of personal God). This creates a mentality that Jesus, as a Personal God, will help them when they are in need. In Christianity people pray to God to ask for forgiveness, and for assistance.

Asking for forgiveness to God will make people feel forgiven of their bad deeds, but guilty at the same time. This will make people aware of what is right and what is wrong, it will also avoid depression as some people will feel unforgiven and guilty.

Secondly, an example of asking God for assistance is praying before entering a competition. This will make people feel that God is on their side and this will greatly boost their confidence.

In conclusion, Christianity teaches good things and it is beneficial whether it is true or not. Christianity teaches morality, avoids depression, and enhances both confidence and mentality. I see no reason why it should not be taught.

Supporting Evidence: Personal god (
1 point

Firstly, there should be an age limit on selling alcohol. True, legal aged people are able to buy it for them, however there are various circumstances that prevent them from doing so. Such examples include the conscience of the buyer buying for them, and less people at night time as that is the usual peak time to drink alcohol. Creating a time limit on selling alcohol helps too, this is implemented in some countries.

Secondly, for people who kill themselves, it is purely voluntary and it does not violate any law. Committing suicide is of your own choice and alcohol is not the only reason that this occurred.

I will assume that your statistics of "many people due to drunks" is correct from this point onwards and this is the sole reason stated on why alcohol should be banned.

I do not agree with the solution of banning alcohol to solve the problem, there are many better solutions to solve this matter, such as to increase the price of alcohol, or educate people for the harmful effects of alcohol, etc.

increasing the price of alcohol will indirectly tell people to buy alcohol when they really need it. Some people does not understand the effects of alcohol, thus educating them will surely reduce murders.

Moreover, alcohol does have good effects, such as improving social communication and preventing diseases (

In conclusion, there are many other methods to reduce deaths due to alcohol, and suicides are not counted as they are purely voluntary. In addition, alcohol has good causes so banning alcohol is not the optimum decision.

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