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RSS SergeiDaniel

Reward Points:41
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10 most recent arguments.

Your eyes might also get worse even while your reading, especially while reading in a quite proper way and under normal conditions....

To my mind, there must be a tough control of whole Internet space, because as we know there are many spams and useless advertisment which really annoy me always very much. Existence of porno sites or sites with racism contents or interethic conflicts which might badly affect people's lives..........There are many other obvious examples which really demostrate the need of implemetation a control from governmaent......

2 points

But parents are not "anyone" in your life......even though everyone has their own values and perceptions.

2 points

Actually, it is very difficult issue which has 2 diffirent attitude. But generally, it depends on nationality and mentality, because some nations have the tradition for parents to choose the second half for their child and child actually has no chance. But , I think that, choice of second half must belong to each person individually nut to parents. Although, sometimes, it is better to listen to parents' insistance, because usually love "clouds" the common sense.....

I think, mass media should hide the horrible details of committing terroristic acts, because saying everything to folk may lead to mass panic and in this case it ill be difficult for government to control inside situation in country. However, on the other hand, keeping silence about what is happening in the country regarding terrorism is not a right ways because of mass deception of citizens......

Of course, our mind and knowledge are important, but we are not comparing the importance of fashion and our mind....the main issue here is to identify to what extent fashion is important in our lives.....

0 points

I completely agree with you and want to add that fashion has been an important part of people's lives since the humankind occurred. Ancent people had their specific fashion and they followed it, the same situation was in Medieval Ages and so on. People always follow fashion to less or more extent and it doesnt matter either it is important or not, it has existed, it is existing and will exist......

Actually, i think,no.Next generation is not becoming more stupid. Maybe even vice versa, they are becoming more inquisitive and possess a wide range of knowledge especiallly in IT. Maybe the new generation usually does not read classical books, study hard at schools, but generally at the young age they sometimes know more than their parents do, because they are smarter, self-seeking or even a bit selfish.

Obviously,that chinese products have their drawbacks and positive aspects. On the one hand, such products are relatively cheap and acceptable, there are spread throughover the world and the majority of people can easily afford to buy them. Moreover, China produces practically any type of products from paper to machines and equipment. On the other hand, the quality of such products is very low, the most of their results of propduction are fakes. They copy brands and make it vissually identical with. Therefore,it is difficult to say definitely about producs made in China, but anyway, owing to their production they have a great influence on the world economy and development.

To my mind it would be better to forbit death pentalty and use life sentence for criminals and offenders who commit serious crimes and who are extremely dangerous for society. However, government should feed them, provide vital things to support their lives and due to the fact that there are millions of people who deserve to be punished in this way, a great amount of money must be used for doing this....Therefore , to use death penalty is a beneficial for countries to save their budget.

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Winning Position: Books

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